Sequestered Promises - (Blake X Male Reader X Ilia)

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Polybius Fanart By: Ahoy On Youtube

Requested By: HopeTheAssassin

Published On: May 10, 2021


There is a video game...that does not exist...

A video game that is said to have appeared in arcades around downtown Vale 40 years ago, and it vanished as quickly and silently as it appeared. Abstract gameplay, sightings of men in black collecting data from the game.

There are some that claim to have seen the game in person, others even claim to have played it. It is said that the gameplay is unlike anything that came before or after it, that it would change a player's life...

It is said to have been created by a mysterious company with the name of Sinneslöschen Inc., a name that doesn't make sense to anyone. No one has ever heard of the company before, no one has ever found anything either.

The game's name?...Polybius...

...and now there was a man searching after it.


As a gamer, there is nothing more interesting and fascinating than the mystery behind unreleased games, Betas, and Alphas, nothing however beats Polybius...

After looking for years it seems I finally have a lead, now I can find out if the tale is true. Once and for all I can see if this game is really as much of a killer as they claim it to be.

I was able to solve the mystery of Ura Zelda, if I can do that, then I can beat Polybius as well...


Y/N has been gone for days, no one has seen or heard of him. Whatever is going on it isn't good, usually, he would always visit me and Ilia, if he couldn't do that he would at least text us. Confused and scared we are making our way over to his place, hopefully, it was nothing and we just overreacted.

The closer we got to his place the slower we walked, our blood running ever colder. I went pale in the face when we saw his front door, it was cracked open and the handle was hanging off the door broken. Slowly we entered as we held hands to reassure each other, some things knocked over and a broken chair was lying on the floor.

Ilia looked like she was about to have a breakdown from the sight, I squeezed her hand as we braved through the entire house. The rest of the place didn't have anything broken in it but we couldn't find a trace of Y/N either, scared we walk out again.

Blake: "There is one last person that might be able to help us" I said as we walked back to our car.

Ilia: "Who?" She asked confused.

Blake: "In the living room I saw an image of a woman, that reminded me that Y/N told me once about her, she is a friend of his and works at the Viver Club in the shady parts of the city"

Ilia: "What are we waiting for then?" She says as she yanks the door open and quickly gets inside.

With squealing tires, we set off...


Lots of chatter and laughter could be heard all around us as we entered the club, it looked exactly like the shady club we expected. Seeing Y/N's friend from the photo behind the counter we make our way over, we take a seat and wait for her to get done serving the other customers.

???: "How can I help you?" She asks.

Blake: "Are you Raven?"

Raven: "Yes, who's asking?"

Ilia: "We're looking for Y/N, he's gone missing"

Blake: "Since you're friends with him we were wondering if you saw him or heard from him"

Raven: "Yes I did, a few days ago he came here and told me that he made a breakthrough in his investigations, asked me if he could borrow my pickup to transport something."

Ilia: "And?"

Raven: "I agreed of course, he's my friend and he's borrowed it before"

Blake: "So still no way to find him..." I said disappointed

Raven: "I have a tracker on it, lemme give it to you" She said before walking into the back.

After a minute she came back out and gave me a small black device, it has a basic display showing the truck's location, excited we get up and sprint out of there.

Raven: "Come back when you found him!" She calls after me.


We quickly follow the signal till we got to a warehouse close to some woods, carefully we crept over to the open gate. When we got inside our blood started to boil, there was Y/N in a chair tied up with duct tape and ropes, bruised and bleeding. A man and woman in uniforms were standing in front of him and hitting him, I started to shake from anger. I looked around for anything and saw a gun on the table beside us, I picked it up and without thinking fired it straight into the man's back.

Woman: "What the fuc-" I cut her off with a shot to her jaw.

Two other people rush in from a side door, I fire a shot at them each as they join their friends on the ground. Ignoring the corpses I simply throw the gun away and rush over to Y/N, he looks surprised to see us but happy.

Y/N: "Thank goodness you came!" He said gratefully

Ilia: "For you we would come any day"

Y/N: "It's all real, the subliminal messages, the headaches, the suicides" He says as we get the duct tape and ropes off him.

Ilia: "What do you mean?" She asked as she stared at him confused.

Y/N: "All the horrible side effects this game is said to have are real, these sick fuckers actually put that stuff in there."

Once we finally got him free we hugged him tightly, he hugged back weakly with a smile on his face. Once we separated we both kissed him at the same time, he looked really shocked but quickly returned the favor.

Ilia: "We love you Y/N, for a long time now actually, will you be our boyfriend?"

Y/N: "I love you too, just been too much of a fucking coward to tell you" He said with a chuckle as squeezed our hands.

We carried him outside as the police arrived, they called an ambulance for Y/N and quickly took the bodies of the criminals away.


With everyone behind all of this now gone Y/N revealed the Polybius game to the public, of course, nobody could play it due to the nasty effects. Thanks to this Y/N became rather well known, everyone wanted to know about the man who solved the mystery behind the legend. After the game was well shown and its existence and authenticity documented Y/N publically destroyed it, as he considered it too dangerous to keep around.

After all of that, Ilia and I took our boyfriend on a vacation. He's still recovering from his wounds, we've been spoiling him nonstop, or at least we are whenever he isn't nonstop spoiling us.


Blake: "Told you it would help with your pain" I said as I massaged his back.

Y/N: "Y-Yeah, I shoulAHHH~ Should've listened to both of you."

Ilia: "Once we're done with you there is another kind of message we can try out~" She said drooling as she massaged Y/N as well.

Things were gonna be pretty good from here...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting HopeTheAssassin

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