I Said Shake It Up! - (Annoying Yang X Male Reader)

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Yang Fanart By: the-suid-guy On DeviantArt

Requested By: PlagueOfShadows

Published On: April 12, 2021


There were a lot of students in Beacon, all different, but there is one of them that will always stand out. Yang Xiao Long was one crazy woman, always around the place with her headphones as she sang along to her songs, almost always wearing workout clothes. She had crazy long blonde hair with red and pink tips that she never cut, yet you would see her basically every day with a distinctive new hairstyle.

But something that especially made Yang stand out was the fact that she was always there, no matter what day, what time, what I was doing, Yang was often times there.

I heard some footsteps behind me, when I turned aro-yep there she was again, standing there with sweat pouring down her as she poured the contents of her water bottle on herself, completely ignoring that her headphones were still on her as the damm things were waterproof...

Yang: "Shake it up tonight, shake it up all night, shake it up tonight, tell me that you love me, tell me that you'll stay the night!" She sang as she took off her aviators.

When she was done pouring water on herself she looked at me and winked, shaking her hips she flirted.

Yang: "How come Beacon hasn't burned down yet when such a hottie walks around?~"

That was what she always did, always flirting with me left and right. No matter what I say she persists, I've never seen her around another guy.

With a sigh, I just ignore her and make my way to the showers, I didn't even look back as I'm sure she would just follow me like always, at least she respects my privacy in the showers.

As I walk through the hall I see Amber talking with Coco before she walks away, that's when I get a perfect idea. I walk over to Amber and lean against the wall, Amber looks at me and blushes when she sees me shirtless and sweaty.

Y/N: "Hey Amber"

Amber: "H-Hi Y/N" She stuttered a bit.

Y/N: "Just wanted to tell you that you look really cute"

Amber looks really surprised, her mouth hanging open.

Amber: "Y-You really think so?"

Y/N: "I'm looking at a cutie so I know so, no doubt about it"

Amber: "O-Oh, thank you"

Y/N: "I'll see you later~" I said with a smile as I patted her on the shoulder.

As I walk away I see that Yang has seen the whole thing, she just stands there for a second before rushing away.

That should finally get her off my back, relaxing time here I come!



Ruby looks concerned at Yang as she just continues to lie in bed all day, not smiling, not singing, not doing anything. Blake and Weiss were also at a loss at what to do, they couldn't get it out of her what caused this new behavior.

Ruby: "I don't even recognize my own sister anymore..." She said somberly.

Blake: "I'm sure we'll think of something" She comforted as she puts a hand on her shoulder.


Y/N's teammates also noticed how their leader has lost his usual chipper way, he just faced the wall as he lied in bed, his blankets covering him all the way.

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