Freeing My Love - (Neo X Abused Male Reader)

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Neo Fanart By: ふぃーこ On Reddit

Requested By: JackW004

Published On: November 19, 2020


The clock was reading 01:00 AM as I stared at it, I turned around in my bed and pulled my blankets up higher. I had been trying to sleep for the past few hours but my current situation has kept my mind active and away from sleep, my mind started to drift to the events of the past few months...

A year ago I met Weiss Schnee on my job as a barista, at the time I didn't know that she was the rich leader of the SDC empire. I just served her coffee as with any customer but as she left she gave me a piece of paper with her number on it, I was ecstatic to have such a cute and charming woman be interested in me. We went out for several dates and soon we started dating, I was head over heels in love with her. I should have seen the signs, at first it was the fact that she wasn't willing to make our relationship public, then she started being more and more controlling, soon she started to become abusive. Now I was stuck in her mansion as she wouldn't let me leave, she would force me to treat her all lovey-dovey or else she would hit me, we didn't go out anymore either.

I was finally able to leave the mansion when Weiss forced me to go with her on a business trip in Vale, when I was over there I had the best thing ever happen. I met a woman called Neo, she turned out to be a criminal who was working with Roman Torchwick but I didn't care, we both fell in love with each other and started hanging out when Weiss was away doing work. We grew incredibly attached to each other, unfortunately, Weiss forced me to go back to Atlas before she could help me run away.

I had just finally fallen asleep when sudden loud crashing noises and screaming woke me up again, it sounded like the fighting kept getting closer to my room. As I couldn't fight I could only hope that whoever was the intruder didn't enter the room, I was frozen in fear in the middle of the room. The fighting suddenly stopped with a crashing noise and a few seconds later the sound of something falling to the ground, I nearly jumped out of my skin when the door to my room suddenly opened. The door opened slowly as it spilled the light from the hallway into my dark room, my fears were replaced with joy when I saw Neo enter.

Neo puts her finger in front of her mouth telling me to be quiet, behind her through the cracked open door I could see Myrtenaster embedded in the ground and a blood puddle, with Weiss's hand...

Neo: "I'm here to finally end this nightmare of yours" She signed before holding a hand out to me.

I take her hand and she quickly leads me to the window, we climb outside and start sneaking through the parking lot on the side of the building. A few security guards entered the area as we were about to leave from our hiding spot, Neo started to look more impatient and annoyed by the second but contained her rage at the guards when I squeezed her hand. The guards left the area prematurely as the alarm went off and they rushed off to the nearest entrance, seems like they have found Weiss...

Neo and I quickly ran across the parking lot and into the treelines, a couple of minutes of running through trees and almost falling on my face when Neo and I finally stopped and got out her scroll, when I looked I saw she was texting Roman for a pickup.

Once Neo was done texting I put a hand on her waist and pulled her into a deep passionate kiss, at first she was stiff but she quickly melted into it. The feeling was amazing, I had dreamed of kissing her for so long now, the feeling wasn't even comparable to kissing Weiss.

Roman: "You can kiss at our hideout, now get into the car before they catch us and cancel your wedding!" He called out startling us.

We quickly got into the back and Roman quickly drove off using the most possibly hidden back roads he could find, as I was looking out of the window my head was turned by Neo who quickly and deeply kissed me as she explored my mouth with her tongue. Roman put on headphones as Neo straddled me and started kissing me all over, we quickly lost focus of our surroundings as we got more and more intimate.

After a very eventful car ride in the back, we finally walked inside the hideout, I was taken off guard when Emerald and Mercury jumped out from behind a table as Cinder brought a cake out and put it on the table.


Roman: "Yeah Neo was so excited over the idea of marriage that she got you a wedding cake already"

Y/N: "Awww Neo I would gladly marry you." I say to her as I hug her tightly.

Emerald: "You two are just made for each other" She said with a laugh.

And with that, we spend the entire night celebrating our soon-to-be marriage...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting JackW004

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