The Codeword That Changed My Life - (Cinder X Yang's Brother Male Reader)

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Yang Fanart By: advarcher On Reddit

Requested By: Joey512

Published On: December 2, 2020


This couldn't be happening right? this all had to be some demented nightmare right!?!

These were the thoughts swirling around Cinder's head as she ran back and forth throughout the room of an old abandoned house she was hiding in, she was trying her best to not have a breakdown.

It was just supposed to be a normal night where she would come over to her boyfriend's place, when she arrived however there was a group of armed men breaking into the place. Cinder hid not knowing where Y/N was, from her hiding spot she could only stare on in horror as Y/N crossed paths with the attackers only for them to shoot him right in front of her face after he refused to tell some information they were looking for. When they left to search through other parts of the house she took the chance to escape the house and run away in the early morning, she could hear shouting and shooting as she ran away. They had spotted her, she ran for what felt like hours when it really was just 20 minutes, now she was here hiding in an abandoned house.

Cinder's phone ringed, she slowly walked up to the bag and fished out her scroll.

Cinder: "...Hello?" She asked uncertainly.

???: "Hello Cinder" A monotone male voice responeded.

Cinder: "How do you know my name!?! who are you?"

???: "Who I am doesn't matter right now, I have a mission to accomplish and it involves you"

Cinder: "I need ans-"

???: "The codeword is Knight" The voice on the phone cut her off.

Cinder's blood ran cold at the mention of the codeword, that single revelation held so many implications it made her head spin.

Cinder: "W-What??" She asked with a shaking voice as she sat down on the bed.

???: "I have instructions to pick you up and ensure your safety, I'm currently tracking your scroll to reach your location"

Cinder: "How do you know I'm getting hunted."

???: "The current scenario wouldn't have come into existence if you and Mr. L/N's life wouldn't have come under threat"

Cinder: "Who gave you instructions to find me?"

???: "That would be Mr. L/N" The voice replied making Cinder jump up.

Cinder: "Y/N is alive!?!"

???: "I cannot confirm that, considering the emergency signal was sent I'm inclined to believe he isn't however"

Cinder: "Wha-"

???: "In a few seconds a black car will arrive outside the house, that will be me, I want you to jump in the moment I stop, I am currently getting chased by the men that are after you, they haven't identified me yet and taking defensive actions might reveal me for who I am." He said as Cinder started to hear an engine in the distance.

She quickly picked up her bag and ran outside, she could see a black sports car racing up to her as an SUV was following it a bit further away. The moment the car stopped and its passenger door opened she jumped in. The car immediately peeled it out of there and after switching between different dirt roads was able to shake their attackers.

Cinder let out a sigh of relief when she couldn't see the SUV or the shine of its headlights anymore, she turned around to look at the driver only to have her heart rate spike at the sight of an empty driver seat.

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