Favorite Villian - (Pyrrha X Voice Actor Male Reader X Ruby)

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Pyrrha Fanart By: Sunnypoppy On Reddit

Requested By: mrredsox93

Published On: November 8, 2020


I felt like my heart was going to explode! I was going to be able to meet the voice actor of my favorite character! I'm a massive fan of the series 'The Lost Squad' and my favorite character is the main villain Richard Johnson, the character was played by Y/N L/N and I was finally going to be able to meet him this weekend at the local VytalCon held at the convention center in downtown Vale.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I straight ran into a girl making her drop her items, I quickly apologized and helped her pick up all her items, it was only once I was done helping her that I saw that the girl was dressed up as Richard Johnson.

Pyrrha: "Hey I like your costume, Richard is my favorite character." I said making the girl's face light up with happiness.

???: "Same! I made this costume all by myself, did you also come for the convention?"

Pyrrha: "I did! I'm Pyrrha Nikos, what's your name?"

Ruby: "Ruby Rose, I'm glad the first person I ran into is also a TLS fan! wanna go to the TLS booth together?" She asks excitedly.

Pyrrha: "Sure!"

We spend the entire day together at the convention, it turns out that Ruby and I aren't that different from each other, we are both massive nerds and like a lot of the same things. We went to all kinds of booths showing the latest offerings from all kinds of franchises, but our favorite one, of course, was the TLS one, Ruby and I had bought special passes that allowed us to meet the voice actors in person, the meetings, however, took place tomorrow. Ruby and I got along so well that we decided to share a room at a hotel nearby for the night to lower costs, we both barely got any sleep in our excitement.

We got up extra early and after a quick stop at a coffee shop we were back at the convention center and checking out the new things they had set up at the TLS booth for the day, the meetings were about to take place in a few hours. We could barely hold in our squeals as we saw the actors preparing for the Q&A session, during the Q&A sessions we noticed that Y/N would often look over to us in particular and he even winked at us. After a couple more hours of fun, it was finally time for the meetings, we got photographs and autographs, as we interacted with the actors who were all really nice and welcoming we noticed that Y/N would look over at us fairly often. After we met all the other actors we finally came to Y/N who looked really happy when he saw us walking over, he got up from his seat and shook our hands.

Y/N: "Glad to finally meet you two, I like your costume Miss?"

Ruby: "Ruby...Ruby Rose" She said with a bit of a stutter.

Pyrrha: "I'm Pyrrha Nikos" I introduced myself as we shook hands.

Y/N: "I don't think I'll have to introduce myself, you two seem to know me well enough" He said in his character's voice making us laugh.

Pyrrha: "Richard has always been my favorite character"

Ruby: "Mine two"

Y/N: "So I'm guessing you two would like autographs and maybe a couple of photos?" He asked with a smile.

Pyrrha: "If you don't mind..." I said shyly.

Y/N: "laughs Of course not!" He says as we quickly position to take a couple of photos.

We were surprised when we received our autographs, instead of like the other autographs the ones we got said "To my two favorite people - Y/N ♥", Y/N didn't comment on it though so we didn't say anything. By the time we were done with our conversation, we noticed that hours had passed and that Y/N had to go onto the stage for some TLS- related announcements, however before he left he gave us each a small piece of paper.

Y/N: "I had a lot of fun hanging out with you two, I hope to see you two again soon." He said with a wink.

We both unfolded our papers and saw his phone number with a message at the bottom "Call me", we both just looked at each other in shock before quickly making our way to the seats to catch the announcements.

For the entire rest of the day Ruby and I were mostly stuck in our thoughts thinking over how Y/N THE Y/N L/N gave us his phone number cus he was interested in us, we talked about it in our room at the hotel after the second convention day was over. After talking about it for hours we came to the agreement that we were both willing to share him, we also didn't want to destroy our newly established friendship.

On the third and final day of the convention they had not only updated the TLS booth but also expanded it, they screened a trailer for the next season of the show and released some new merch which Ruby and I immediately jumped on. When we went to the small store they had set up the woman just gave us access to all the merch even though some of it wasn't open to the public yet and were only prototypes, confused but happy we started browsing until the woman came over again and gave us special passes.

Store Woman: "Here you go, one special pass for you each granted by Mr. L/N." She said as she gave the passes to us.

We looked over at Y/N in shock but he only flashed us a smile and waved to us before going backstage, once we came back to our senses we pretty much raided the store booth, taking two or three of everything.

As we went around the convention we found out that the special passes we received granted us extra access to basically almost everything, many times we saw Y/N busy around the convention grounds but we were able to find him resting at the end of the day near the exit just talking to some of the other TLS voice actors.

Pyrrha: "Hey again, we just wanted to say thank you for giving us these special passes, they made this already great convention experience unforgettable!" I said.

Ruby: "Yeah! we got so much TLS merch!" She said as she held up her bags.

Y/N: "Glad to see you two enjoyed yourself, say...do you two have anything planned this evening?" He asked making our hearts skip a beat.

Pyrrha: "N-No we have nothing planned."

Ruby: "Nope! calendar is as empty as the desert!"

Y/N: "When the convention is over in four minutes come outside at the south exit, I'll give you two another treat" He said with a wink before leaving with the other TLS actors.

As we stepped outside we heard a roar and when we looked over we saw Y/N in his infamous 82 Trans Am come up and park in front of the building, cameras started flashing but Y/N just ignored them and lowered his window looking at us.

Y/N: "Come on you two, how about we go somewhere nice for dinner?" He asked with that dashing smile of his.

We quickly made our way over to his car and got in as the paparazzi looked on in surprise, as the cameras continued to flash we set off in the Trans Am, tires squealing as we peeled out of the parking lot.

I have gained a new friend in Ruby and I'm now in a relationship with my crush, overall I can only recommend VytalCon for anyone interested in going 10/10...

Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting mrredsox93

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