Date On Friday - (Elm X Male Reader)

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Elm Fanart By: bmblbeaky On DeviantArt

Requested By: Dragonboy86

Published On: November 11, 2020


I didn't think that going to a bar to drink away my loneliness would actually improve my life, it was all thanks to one person, Y/N L/N. Y/N is one of the workers at the bar, he also lives along with the two owners upstairs. The two owners April and Bonnie were close friends with Y/N, they are like sisters to him. Here I was once again in the bar thanks to Y/N, I was absolutely lovestruck. I watched as he zooms around the bar serving customers, he easily stood out with his signature black jacket with red lines. Tonight wasn't just going to be another night of lovingly watching Y/N, tonight I was going to confess and ask him out! 

Elm: "H-Hey Y/N?" I call out.

Y/N: "Yea?" He asks as he sits down beside me.

Elm: "I...I have had feelings for you for a long time now a-and I wanted to ask you out on a date" I say shyly.

For a second I thought he would reject me until he hugs me with a massive smile, my face explodes into a deep red blush.

Y/N: "I would love to go out with you!"

Elm: "Does sound Friday good?"

Y/N: "Sounds perfect"

Elm: "I'll pick you up then."

Y/N: "Alright, It'll-Oh sorry Elm, the customers need me" He says as he walks off to a customer.

Bonnie: "You better treat him right!" She says with narrowed eyes.

Elm: "W-What?" I ask surprised and confused by her sudden hostility.

Apri: "Don't 'what' us, you better treat Y/N right, if we hear that you broke his heart then we'll break your vagina" She says with a frown as she dries a glass.

Elm: "Y-Yeah of course I'll treat him right, it'll be the best date in the world"

Bonnie: "It better be" She responds as she walks into the backroom.


It felt like my heart was going to explode any second as I walked to the bar, once I arrived I saw that Y/N was already standing there. He was only wearing his usual outfit with his signature jacket but yet my heart sped up when my eyes traveled over his figure, when he sees me he breaks out in a massive smile.

Y/N: "Hey Elm!" He calls out as he walks over and hugs me.

Elm: "H-Hey Y/N, ready for our date?"

Y/N: "Of course! I can't wait to see what you have in store, whatever it is I'm sure we'll have a great time!" He says as he links arms with me.

Elm: "I-I sure hope so" I responded, afraid of disappointing him.


After a few minutes of walking through the night we arrived at the theater, Y/N let me choose the movie so I chose a horror movie. I almost exploded when the woman at the ticket booth said we were a cute couple, it didn't help that Y/N agreed with her and then took my hands. The man at the snack booth said the same thing, Y/N chose all the snacks as I was frozen with a blush on my face. We luckily got seats all the way in the back, I was sure that this date was going to a success. To my surprise, Y/N laughed at all the scary moments, I was terrified in my mind, I chose a horrible horror movie that wasn't even scary!

After the movie was over we walked out of the theater in silence, I was just waiting for him to tell me how this date was awful and how he is going to leave. I was taken out of my thoughts when Y/N suddenly pulled on my arm and hugged it to his chest, I was surprised when I saw he was smiling.

Y/N: "So what do you have planned next?" He asked.

Elm: " aren't mad?"

Y/N: "Huh? why would I be mad?" He asks confused.

Elm: "Because of my awful movie choice, it wasn't even scary, you were laughing all the time" I said rubbing my shoulder.

Y/N: "laughs Oh Elm, I laugh at almost all horror movies, they all are so cringy and bad, but that's why I enjoy them!" He says laughing.

Elm: "Oh..."

Y/N: "Don't worry, you haven't ruined anything" He said rubbing my hand.

Elm: "W-Well the next thing I have planned is some dinner at a nearby restaurant."

Y/N: "Sounds good, let's go!"


We went to a cozy little restaurant, it has a nice retro style to it. Y/N was impressed, he didn't expect me to choose such an expensive place. Y/N and I ordered F/N, unfortunately, our waitress was flirting with Y/N, I was just about to wack her into another life when Y/N just completely dismissed her flirting as he starts talking about how lucky he was to be on a date with me, the waitress grows embarrassed and walks off but not before telling how sorry she was and how lucky I was to have someone like him.

As we eat we talk about what has been going on in the last two weeks, I almost spit out my drink as Y/N tells me some funny stories of things that have happened during his shifts at the bar. I told him about work, he was really impressed with my strength telling me how awesome he thinks I am. By the time we left the restaurant, it was very late, we had so much fun that we didn't even notice the passage of time.


We were now walking back to the bar again, I was blushing as Y/N and I were holding hands. Suddenly Y/N stops as he looks up to the sky, I look up as well and could see that the sky was extra clear tonight, you could see a bunch of stars.

Y/N: "Wow...that's amazing."

Elm: "Yeah..." I say taken away by the sight.

Y/N looks over to a bench and leads over to it

Y/N: "Let's just enjoy the view"

We both sat down as Y/N cuddled up to me, I had to try my best to not freak out, as we just sat there in comfortable silence for a few minutes

Y/N: "Thank you"

Elm: "For what?" I ask confused as he looks at me with the biggest smile I have ever seen.

Y/N: "For asking me out, for tonight, I've been having an amazing time"

Elm: "Glad to hear I did everything right"

Y/N: "You sure did" He says as he kisses me before laying his head on my shoulder.

I wrap my arm around him as I try to control my blush.

Entering that bar was the best choice I ever made...

Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Dragonboy86

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