Help You Unwind - (Neon X Male Reader)

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Neon Fanart By: Kimmy77 On Reddit

Requested By: tron1982

Published On: November 17, 2020


Y/N: "Another afternoon, another successful mission!" I said triumphantly.

K.I.T.T.: "I can't wait to give my power packs a rest."  He replied sounding exasperated.

Y/N: "Don't worry pal, we won't be going out on the road for the next week, I'll make sure to get us a break."

K.I.T.T.: "More like you're getting yourself a break" He shot back as we parked in the foundation garage.

Y/N: "Well if I get a break you get one as well, we're a team after all."

K.I.T.T: "I suppose so, let's just see how long that break will last knowing Summer's insistence on not laying low for too long."

Y/N: "Not this time pal, this time I'll make sure to let her know that we are absolutely not doing any missions for the next few weeks, your seats might be comfortable but sleeping on them day in and out can give some bad back pains."

K.I.T.T: "I can understand Y/N, this was our longest mission to date."

Y/N: "So I'll leave you to relax now pal, a nice burger or two await me, you just enjoy your mom fawning over you." I said as I patted his hood before walking off to the door.

K.I.T.T.: "Very funny..." He responded drily

Neon: "What's funny?" She asked as she roller-skated into the room with a smile.

Y/N: "Speak of the devil" I said with a smile as she came up to me and kissed me.

Neon: "Who are you calling a devil" She says with a smirk as she gave me kisses all over.

Two years ago when my life completely changed and I attained a new identity I never thought I could be happy again, everything from my original life, my family, cut off just like that, just because I was betrayed by who I thought was my partner. After my mission and a lot of bickering with K.I.T.T. we became best buddies, both K.I.T.T. and Neon made sure that I didn't fall into the darkness, they became my new family along with our boss Summer Rose, she's the firm but motherly leader of the Foundation for Law and Government also known as F.L.A.G.

K.I.T.T. was at first skeptical of Neon when she first started working here and replaced his previous technician April, after a conversation with me he decided to give her a chance. Our missions would often lead to K.I.T.T. coming back slightly battered, Neon would often joke that there is nothing wrong with K.I.T.T. except for the "nut behind the wheel". It soon became painfully obvious that we both had feelings for each other and our relationship became a cliche 'will they won't they' act, after much pushing from both Summer and K.I.T.T. I finally did it and just asked her out which led us to where we are now, happily in a relationship of one and a half years.

Y/N: "You here for me or your baby?" I joked pointing to me and K.I.T.T.

Neon: "Oh shush, you know I came for both of you, besides I have to make sure you didn't do anything to K.I.T.T."

K.I.T.T.: "If I was a Peugeot then yes, I would have been destroyed by Y/N a long time ago." He said with his usual wit.

Y/N: "On that, we can agree, anyway, I'm going up to my room to relax, I'll see you later" I replied as I gave her one last kiss before leaving through the door.


Neon: "Y/N sure looks tired..." I said still looking at the door after he left.

K.I.T.T.: "You know how Y/N is, he puts the missions before himself, I just hope Summer will allow us a proper vacation this time, Y/N could really use it." He replied as I got out the diagnostic tools.

Neon: "I think I have an idea on how to help him unwind once I'm done with these tests" I said with a smirk.


After testing K.I.T.T.'s systems, recalibrating some, and some catching up with K.I.T.T. I was finally entering my room for some relaxation.

Y/N was laying on the bed looking tired, he looked up when he saw me. I quickly got out of my dirty overalls and straddled him.

Neon: "You just relax darling while I'll do all the work~" I said removing his boxers.

I didn't waste any time and lowered myself onto his lengthy cock, every time he moaned I sped up. Soon I had Y/N moaning my name left and right as I rode him, the bed was moving back and forth squeaking.

After half an hour of riding him with his cock in my snatch and ass, some titjobs, and lots of deepthroating Y/N was cuddled up to me in a deep sleep. I was already thinking of all the things we could do together now that he has some free time, both on the bed and outside...

This mechanic was very happy that she has found her knight...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting tron1982

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