Game Designers - (Cinder X Male Reader X Emerald)

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Cinder & Emerald Fanart By: Facial craft boi On Imgur

Requested By: Nobody (Just wrote this one)

Published On: August 24, 2020


I was spending another night typing in some code at a rate faster than most could comprehend, I was just completely zoned in on the monitor in front of me when suddenly a cup was getting held in front of my face, when I looked over I saw that it was Y/N who was holding the cup smiling at me.

Y/N: "How's the bug fixing going?" He asked as he gave me the cup of coffee and sat down beside me.

Emerald: "It's going pretty good! only two bugs remaining." I replied feeling proud of the successful all-nighter I pulled.

Y/N: "I don't know what made you and Cinder suddenly speed up so much and gain so much inspiration but I'm impressed, Neo and I can't keep up!" He said patting me on my shoulder.

Cinder, Y/N, his sister Neo and I met back at Beacon and even became a team together, but we quickly realized that while we all enjoyed making weapons and learning how to fight with them and our semblances back at combat school, we didn't want to be hunters for the rest of our lives.

We dropped out of Beacon and since we all love video games and wanted to always become game developers we founded a small game company and all bought a house together to live in where we have a room for game development.

Cinder and I have both fallen for Y/N and we have for weeks now been trying to impress him by making new game concepts and prototypes, and with each concept and prototype we are making to outdo each other they get bigger and bigger.

His sister Neo knows that we both love Y/N but we made her swear to secrecy to make sure she doesn't do anything.

Y/N: "Just make sure to get some sleep after our meeting." He said before getting up and walking over to his computer.

Our team so far has released our first game 6 months ago, it's called "Grimm Eclipse" and it's a fighting game where you can play as a set of fictional Hunters and Huntresses, originally we wanted to have the popular Teams RWBY and JNPR but they were constantly suggesting stuff and telling us "great ideas" on how to make the game so we decided to just create some fictional characters instead.

With the success of our first game and the revenue, PR, and more it brought we are now using those expanded resources to work on our next game "Thunder-Force" a story based FPS, it's a massive project for us but after months of works, we are about to complete it. Thanks to the rivalry between Cinder and me, we now have enough game concepts/prototypes that's gonna last our small company an eternity.


Son of a bitch! the one night I decide to not pull an all-nighter Emerald DOES! I quickly walk over to her and pull her out of the room to the kitchen.

Emerald: "I was working on something!" She said annoyed

Cinder: "Just give up! Y/N will pick me!" I declared

Emerald: "What makes you so sure he will?"

Cinder: "Because I'll confess to him tonight" I replied.

Emerald: "Whatever! he will pick me you'll see!" She shouted while walking out of the room.

Just as we were about to open the door to our game dev room we heard Y/N talking to Neo.

Y/N: "I love both of them! just what am I supposed to do?" Said Y/N frustrated.

Emerald and I looked at each other before quickly pressing our ears against the door. Since Y/N was talking to Neo we were only able to hear his part of the conversation.

Y/N: "I love both Cinder and Emerald and I just don't know what to do!, I love both equally and who knows both might reject me!" He said sounding sad.

We heard footsteps when suddenly we fell onto the floor as the door was opened by Neo who looked down at us smugly, she signed something to Y/N and then just left. Y/N looked surprised at us and then gave us a hand to get up.

Y/N: "Is what Neo said true? do you both really love me?" He asked hesitantly

Emerald looked down blushing and completely embarrassed, I decided to step up and confess.

Cinder: "Y-Yeah, we both have loved you for a long time now" I confessed

Emerald: "A-All those game concepts and prototypes we made was to impress you, we thought the one who impressed you the most would be the one you'll pick" She said getting more and more embarrassed.

Y/N: "Oh...Well, you both didn't have to do that though I'm honored you think I'm worth all that effort, not to mention that you both impressed not just my gamer side but on all fronts. I love you both equally and I couldn't pick one over the other." He said

Emerald: "W-Why don't you date us both!" She asked looking hopeful

Cinder: "Y-Yeah we both love you and we would gladly share you!"

We both got surprised when Y/N hugged us.

Y/N: "I love you both and I would love to be your boyfriend!" He said happily.

While we were hugging him we saw Neo in the doorway smiling and giving us thumbs up, we both mouthed "Thank you" to her.



Ever since that fateful day 7 years ago we have been dating Y/N and having the time of our lives, our company has also despite its small size come to gain massive success. three years ago Y/N proposed to us and now the company truly is a family business as Y/N liked to call it ever since we founded it. Now both Cinder and I are pregnant with a girl each.

We couldn't be happier at L/N Softwares...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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