Love Within The Code - (Penny X Amity Engineer Male Reader)

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Penny Fanart By: dishwasher1910 On DeviantArt

Requested By: Gnawsome1

Published On: November 13, 2021


Amity Colosseum, a technological marvel that all four kingdoms had a hand in creating. A mobile hosting place to the Vytal Festival Tournament, the one place on Remnant that all the kingdoms can have pride in.

It was currently the offseason in between the 39th and 40th Vytal Festival, the 40th being held in the kingdom of Vale this year. For now, the Colosseum is staying at Atlas, undergoing some pre-planned updates that have been designed by Dr. Polendina.


I've always been the curious type, loving movies and shows where part of the story had to be figured out by yourselves, putting clues together that could come to the viewer in all kinds of forms...

"Don't joke about that, it would be a serious danger if that were true!"

I've also always been a lover of technology, being an absolute computer nerd who oftentimes spends his free time making his own software and games. It was only natural for me to get a job that played into my tech passion, Dr. Polendina making that possible, thanks to a lucky meeting at an expo where I showed off some of my work for fun...

"It's seriously dangerous, stop associating with it!"

Dr. Polendina quickly became a mentor figure for me, showing me the ropes as I worked for him aboard Amity. To work for one of Remnant's brightest minds was already insane enough, but then I even get to see the famous Colosseum in its entirety on a daily basis, including the parts the public never gets to see...

"I don't think you're even capable of comprehending just how fucking dangerous it is, even its creator realized that it should've been never created!"

It wasn't long till I noticed a kind of weird atmosphere around the team working on Amity, something I didn't get to experience too much as I didn't work with them but rather Dr. Polendina himself. There were whispers around the place, knowing glances, and shifty behavior...

"I don't want to hear about it man, it's fucking creepy!"

There was a tale amongst the team, the tale of something living within Amity, something that watches over everyone at all times. Yet the way the tale was always told stood out to me, it clearly indicated that there was some kind of truthful basis to it, I couldn't help my curious nature after noticing that and...I decided to go behind my mentor's back and...break into his office to get into his files...

"I don't understand it either but someone was in my office! whoever did this hid their tracks very well..."

Looking through every piece of info available I found what I was looking for...and it opened my eyes to the reality of the situation, it suddenly made sense, it all led me to...her...

Atlesian Soldier: "Stop protecting it and drop your weapon!" He ordered.

Y/N: "It's not it, it's her!!" I screamed at the soldier.

All the soldiers tense up as I get even more pissed off, yet I didn't care, I wasn't going to move and let them get to her. My hand shook as I pointed the pistol at them, I've never used a firearm before, but I wasn't going to let that deter me, I'm going to do whatever it takes to protect her.

I look over to the side when I suddenly notice some kind of red light, one of the soldiers tries to wrestle the pistol out of my hand before I could see what it was, clearly it was some kind of trap. Gunfire goes off as I'm about to shoot the soldier, I close my eyes as I expect death.

A green blur lights up the otherwise mostly dark corridor as my beloved had come out from behind me and reflected the gunfire back with her floating swords, as well as cutting the soldier that was on me in half.

With all the soldiers dead she looks back at me, her green eyes widening in worry as she sees my clothes getting stained by a shoulder wound. She clutches my shoulder as I collapse into her out of pain and shock, my legs going off the ground as she picks me up bridal style.

Y/N: "I love you Penny..." I say as I put my hand to her cheek, crying from all the shock, relieved that she didn't get taken away.

Penny: "I love you too, but please don't get injured for me again." She replies, looking sad and concerned.

Y/N: "My love I would do anything for you."

Penny: "I know, but you've got to keep yourself in one piece."

With the area covered in blood and corpses, Penny starts the boosters in her legs before taking off, taking me away to patch me up.

Y/N: "Now that we're both wanted, where do we go?"

Penny: "I don't know, but it doesn't really matter to me as long as we're together."

Y/N: "Same here." I say as I give her a kiss.

With the sun going down we fly away from Amity, away from any worries, away from trouble, and towards a combined future...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Gnawsome1

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now