Clouds Of Rain - (Depressed Ruby X Male Reader)

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Ruby Fanart By: aurayafrost On Tumblr

Requested By: Just__Forgotten

Published On: August 28, 2020


I was just cooking dinner when I heard the front door open and close again already knowing who it was, I was quickly met with hands snaking around my waist and hugging me tightly.

Ruby: "Y/N! today was awful"

Y/N: "Don't worry darling, you are here and everything will be fine, and guess what? I even made your favorite dish" I said turning around and holding her close.

Ruby: "Pasta?" She asked looking up into my eyes.

Y/N: "You bet, I made it exactly how you like it."

Ruby: "Thank mind and its thoughts haven't been very kind today, and I have been just scared of-" She said nuzzling more into the embrace.

Y/N: "It's okay, I understand, we both now have the next 4 weeks free so let's just relax and spend our time in the best way possible." I reassured her while stroking her hair.

Ruby: "Could we go somewhere? like a real vacation?"

Y/N: "Sure, just you and me! we can figure out where we wanna go after dinner and then prepare over the weekend ready for us to leave on Monday."

Ruby: "Sounds great."

I was new to Beacon when I met Ruby, It was my first day after getting a job there as a teacher assistant, which I was only able to get since I was able to get a Huntsman License without even going to a combat school or Huntsmen academy. After my first day, I went onto the roof to relax and when I got there I saw Ruby, she was about to jump when I took her from the ledge. After getting to know each other and spending a lot of time together we grew pretty close and Ruby also came to me when her depression became too much for her, she didn't want to tell Yang and the others so I didn't.

Soon we both fell for each other and started to date, Yang at first was skeptical of me and was constantly looking over me and Ruby when we hung out but Ruby quickly grew tired of it and after she chewed Yang out one time we were finally able to hang out and date without somebody looking over our shoulder at all times.

Due to her depression, Ruby tends to sometimes get scared that I would leave her and so she asked me to marry her, though the confession and decision was rushed we decided to do it anyways and had a simple small wedding without anyone knowing. It may not have been the big and grandiose wedding somebody would expect but to me and Ruby it didn't matter because we love each other and just simply wanted to get married.


Ruby: "Wow! that museum was amazing, so many weapons!" She said jumping around excited.

Y/N: "Yeah! my favorite part was when you were in the tank!, the photos of you smiling and looking like a child at Christmas are priceless" I said making Ruby blush.

Ruby: "Oooooo lookie! Ice Cream stand, can we get some?"

Y/N: "Sure we can!" I said taking Ruby's hand.

While her depression may never fully go away, I love my Ruby including all her faults and I'm ready to be there for her forever...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Just__Forgotten

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now