Triple Bunny Love - (Velvet X Male Reader X Velvet X Velvet)

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Velvet Fanart By: carcarchu On DeviantArt

Requested By: PlagueOfShadows

Published On: February 27, 2022


I used to be an overlooked person, just a boring and reserved nerd at Beacon High, but that all changed thanks to a certain bunny faunus...

Now everyone always stops and watches me walk by, whispering to each other about me...and how I have three girlfriends with me...

Velvet is a pretty shy person, in fact, she used to be even shyer before we started dating, but despite that, her semblance is nothing like her personality.

Velvet is a unique case in that she has a MASSIVE amount of aura, way higher than a person would usually have, combine that with the fact that she has a semblance that's always active with no way to turn it off and you have a recipe for uniqueness.

Her semblance creates full, proper clones of her, though they do have some differences from her, Velevta as she calls herself is slightly taller than Velvet, wears much more casual clothing, has a French accent, and is very, VERY flirtatious.

Velvetina is the same height as Velvet, but she has amber eyes and is really muscular, not to mention that she doesn't take shit from anyone and is more than willing to call anyone out.

Right now I was just sitting in class, bored out of my mind, Velvet sitting next to me blushing at her clones' actions, Velveta is sitting in my lap, holding my hands and rubbing her thumbs over my knuckles, meanwhile, I was sitting on Velvetina's lap while she played with my hair, clearly not paying attention to class.

The teachers have tried to get those two to pay attention in class and to sit on their own, but Velvetina made sure to show them that no one can tell her what to do, except for me, when I ask her to do something she usually does it.

Velvetina: "Can we ditch? I want to play some games with you." She whispers in my ear.

Y/N: "We can't just do that, Goodwitch wouldn't like that, she didn't fully cave in yet to your "friendly" persuasions."

Velvetina: "Why do you think she has bandages on her face? because I made her my bitch yesterday."

I just turn around and look at her shocked, yet she just smirks at me and gives me a kiss on the lips, making me blush.

Velvetina: "She's been targeting you with way harder tests than the rest of class, and only because I and Velveta don't pay attention to her boring shit, so I showed her that unfair shit like that does not go unpunished."

Velveta: "If we're gonna ditch can we play Satisfactory again?"

Velvetina: "Fuck yeah, I wanna continue building our tower."

Y/N: "I didn't say we're ditching..."

Velvetina: "Well I'm saying so."

Without warning, Velvetina picks me up bridal-style and starts carrying me towards the door, with Velveta still in my arms. Velvet looks at us with a blush, still not used to the shenanigans we get up to, Velveta just reaches out and grabs her arm, pulling her out of her chair and with us.

Everyone in class looks at us, some whispering to each other, others loudly complaining to Goodwitch that it's unfair for us to leave, but Goodwitch doesn't do anything, she just continues her lesson as if nothing happened while lightly touching her bandages...


I'm playing Satisfactory with Velveta and Velvetina, Velvet just sitting on my lap and watching me play, sometimes giving me suggestions for the tower we're building.

Y/N: "So for how long are we going to work on this tower? it's already pretty damm tall."

Velvetina: "As long as we can stand to work on it, I want this thing as tall as possible!!" She says, pumping her fist in the air.

Velveta: "Maybe we'll even get a world record, the highest tower in Satisfactory."

Y/N: "I mean that would be pretty cool, but I hope you guys are still checking up on the hub every now and then, I don't want everything to go to shit while we're doing this."

Velveta: "Relax, I was just there and everything is going fine."

Y/N: "Good, we spend way too long building all this shit for it to get fucked up."

I was about to ask Velvet for suggestions on the interior for this floor, but I stop playing when I notice that she fell asleep on me.

Y/N: "I think this is enough for today, Velvet has fallen asleep."

I slowly pick her up and put her on the bed gently, pulling the blanket over her as I prepare to join her.

Velveta: "Oooh~ time for a movie night, with all of us tightly pressed together on the bed~"

Velvetina: "Sounds good to me." She says, but I could tell from her blush that even she was flustered by Velveta's words.

Velveta picks out the movie, some random b-movie from the 70s and Velvetina gets out the snacks, both of them cuddling up very tightly to me under the blankets.

As highly unusual as our relationship might seem at first, I couldn't possibly be any happier, there is nothing better than to be sandwiched by triple bunny love.

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting PlagueOfShadows

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