Song Of My Heart - (Depressed & Cheated Blake X Male Reader)

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Blake Fanart By: Hosen-Hosen-HOCEN On Reddit

Requested By: KaitheAvatar

Published On: September 24, 2020


I was just waiting for my husband Y/N to come to bed so we could sleep after a long night of celebrating the release of his latest album.

My thoughts started to drift and I started thinking about how we got together after years of being friends.


Y/N and I have been friends for 5 years after we met in combat school, we both didn't want to become hunters but still wanted to be able to protect ourselves. After we finished combat school we stuck together and I handled Y/N's equipment for all his concerts or whenever he was asked to play, after a couple of years I met a man called Adam and we quickly grew closer until we started dating. I thought I had everything I could want in life, but everything came crashing down when I one day came home from one of Y/N's concerts and saw Adam railing some random girl on my bed, in my apartment. When Y/N heard about what happened he offered to take me on his tour across Remnant after I originally planned to sit this one out and spend some more time with Adam, I accepted and took my mind off the issue by simply doing my normal job and in between concerts Y/N and I would hang out all day with him always doing everything in his power to make me smile on a daily basis. After a couple of months of this, I had fallen in love with Y/N, but I was unsure if I should confess and try and enter a relationship with him after getting cheated on, I knew that Y/N wasn't the kind of person to cheat but my fears prevented me from saying anything...until one evening...

I was working on the equipment making sure that everything was configured correctly so that the concert tomorrow would go well, but as I was working I heard Y/N talking with one of his friends.

Richard: "So did you tell her?"

Y/N: "No I haven't, and I don't think I ever will"

Richard: "I thought you loved Blake" When I heard that I stopped with my work and paid more attention.

Y/N: "I absolutely love her and have so for years, but she literally just got out of a relationship after getting cheated on and I'm not even sure if she ever would feel the same."

Richard: "Well you might regret it if you'll never tell her"

Y/N: "I know Rich, but honestly a confession from me isn't what she needs right now...I'll just have to move on" When I heard the words "move on" fear gripped my heart and thoughts of Y/N with other girls infected my mind, making me sick.

Richard: "Yeah you'll have no trouble gaining the attention of some woman" He replied as I heard them leave.

I couldn't possibly let Y/N move on!

Concerns and uncertainties be dammed I'm going to confess to him, no girl is going to take my man!

The concert the next day went perfectly well and the fans loved it as always, now Y/N was holding a short Q&A session before leaving, he also included me and his publisher as he wanted to give us credits for our work as well.

Y/N: "Okay so last question before I leave" He announced as everyone held their hands up in the hopes of getting to ask the final question.

Y/N: "You! the girl in the orange jacket" He said as he pointed at the girl.

Girl: "Do you have a girlfriend!?!" She called out.

Without thinking I took Y/N's mic and just said.

Blake: "That would be me" I just quickly said before giving the mic back to Y/N.

Y/N: "O-Okay and that was all the time we had for today, thank you everyone for coming to another one of my concerts!" He announced as we left the stage.

After the Q&A session, we were on our way home, neither of us were saying anything and I was hiding my face to prevent him from seeing my blush.

Y/N: "So...I didn't know I had a girlfriend." He said as he hugged me into his side as we continued walking.

Blake: "I...I-I" I stuttered and couldn't form any proper sentence, I was too flustered from the contact.

Suddenly he stopped and turned towards me looking at me with a smile.

Y/N: "The night is still young and there are a lot of places that are still open, how about my girlfriend and I go on a date?" He said holding out his hand.

Blake: "I-I would like that very much" I said as I took his hand and we started walking again.


And that's how we got together...

Suddenly Y/N came in still drunk from the bathroom

Y/N: "Whooooooo Daddy Darky Danky Wanky McThankies from McSpankies IS HERE!!!" He slurred out loudly before falling on his ass.

I couldn't help laughing as Y/N quickly came into the bed and hugged me.

Y/N: "Did you miss meeeee?" He asked while peppering my face with kisses.

Blake: "I definitely did miss your dorky ass!" I said while laughing.

Y/N: "I'm not dorky! gimme snuggles to make up for your mean words!" He said as he latched onto me even tighter.

Blake: "Sure thing honey" I said as I snuggled back and slowly drifted off to sleep.

He really did play the song of my heart...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting KaitheAvatar

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