New Boyfriend - (Arslan X Male Reader)

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Arslan Fanart By: dorimoge5 On Reddit

Requested By: Dragonboy86

Published On: November 9, 2020


Arslan had just recently arrived along with her team at Beacon for this year's Vytal Festival which would be held at Vale, she was just enjoying the peace and quiet of Beacon's courtyard underneath a tree when suddenly a shadow covered her.

When she opened her eyes she saw a boy her age with H/L H/C hair and E/C eyes looking down at her with a smile, he held his hand out to her.

Y/N: "Hi I'm Y/N and I was wondering if you could give me a tour around here as I'm new here."

Arslan: "Sure cutie, I'm Arslan, nice to meet you!" She responded as she shook his hand.

So for the rest of the day Arslan showed Y/N everything Beacon had to offer and once they were done with that they went out to Vale together as they had such a great time hanging out, when they finally separated in the evening Arslan asked Y/N out for a date and he accepted.

Over the course of the next two weeks, she would spend more and more time with Y/N and go on multiple dates with him, he was caring, sweet, and understanding, not to mention easy on the eyes. When Arslan asked him to make their relationship official he was delighted and they only called themself boyfriend and girlfriend for the rest of the day, never using their actual names or usual nicknames. Weirdly enough he seemed to barely appear around Beacon after that day, she would see Y/N sometimes in certain places in the corner of her eye, but when she tried and follow him he seemed to suddenly disappear.

Her attempts to solve this sudden mystery however were cut short when she suddenly got a message on her scroll late in the evening one day, it came from headmaster Ozpin and informed her that she had been given a retrieval mission, two teenage boys had been hunted by Grimm and they have now locked themself in, they are located within Fuyō, an old town outside the kingdom that had been abandoned a long time ago due to a Grimm attack destroying all defenses.

After a short and awkwardly silent bullhead ride she arrived outside the town, the pilot was completely stone-faced and silent once Arslan told her she needs to go to Fuyō. She walks around the area but didn't see any Grimm or anything out of the ordinary, she called out a couple of times but nobody responded.

She was thinking of checking inside some of the buildings before proceeding to the center of the town but decided against it, something was drawing her to the center, she couldn't explain it, she just had to be there.

She quickly took a fighting stance when the neon lights of an old bar turned on as she was passing by...

Arslan just stood there as the lights continued to flicker, the town had been abandoned 20 years ago due to a Grimm attack, one that destroyed the power infrastructure...

Arslan: "Is anyone out there? I'm a huntress and I'm looking for the people who called for help!" She called out, but after waiting for a bit she didn't receive any answers.

Arslan takes out her dagger and slowly makes her way towards the entrance, as she slowly opened the door she was met with flickering lights inside, just as she was about to enter the bar the neon lights above her overloaded and burned out.

Arslan: "I'm a huntress, if anyone is there show yourself!" She called out once more, but once again she didn't receive any answers.

She found a flashlight after looking around for a bit and decided to use it as she ventured into the back of the building, once she stepped into another room all the lights in the house burned out, Arslan had enough of the scary atmosphere and attempted to leave only to find the door to the front area locked.

She attempted to break the door down multiple times and called out for help before deciding that it was no use, she made her way into the storage room.

She was scared nearly to death when she found a heavily decayed corpse in the corner of the room but before she could get a closer look she was hit by the vent cover falling from the ceiling, she took a couple of seconds to try and get her breathing under control.

The more she tried to control her breathing the more restless she grew, her heartbeat increased as the room appeared to fill with some kind of smog, the smell of the corpse was getting more intense and her flashlight burned brighter and brighter until...

Coco and Velvet were enjoying the nice and sunny day as they were out in Beacon's courtyard talking about the ongoing events at the academy, their conversation was interrupted when two people walked up to them.

Arslan: "Hey I'm Arslan and this is my boyfriend Y/N, we wanted to ask if you could give us a tour around Beacon as we are new here."

Velvet: "Sure! I'm Velvet by the way and this is my teammate Coco!"

Coco: "Where did you come from if you don't mind me asking" She questioned as she got up from the bench and walked towards the academy entrance with the others.

Arslan: "We come from a small place called Fuyō"

Velvet: "Interesting, I have never heard of it"

Y/N: "It isn't often talked about..."

Their chatter faded into the distance as they entered the academy...

Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Dragonboy86

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now