Whole Again - (Overprotective Glynda X Shy Male Reader)

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Glynda Fanart By: MarkStantonDesign On DeviantArt

Requested By: PlagueOfShadows

Published On: April 23, 2021



I stop the alarm before getting out of bed, I just sit there for a second thinking about how another day was laying before me. With no energy to move on I get out of bed and into the bathroom, another awful day at Beacon was waiting for me.

I used to be a Huntsman in training like all the other students here, that was until an accident which left my body damaged, the most noticeable injury being my now constant limp for which I have a walking cane. I would have been kicked out of Beacon if it wasn't for Goodwich advocating for me to become her assistant, why she did that I'll never know, but I appreciate it.

Life at Beacon would be nice if it wasn't for the students making fun of and bullying me for not being a proper student, it easily made life hell. Now the pestering from the students I could take if it wasn't for three in particular, Weiss, Mercury, and Coco. Those three unlike all the other students go out of their way to seek me out wherever I am and make my life a total hell.

At least Goodwich was nice and I liked helping her, the other teachers treated me kindly even if they somehow didn't see how I was getting treated by the students. While I could just leave Beacon I couldn't do that to Goodwich, not after she made it possible for me to stay, that and I didn't know where else to go and what to do as I couldn't have gone anywhere else...


Tired I walk into the dormitories after the school day is over, right as I walk through the doors I get hit in the back of the head making me stumble. Once again it was Weiss, Mercury, and Coco who each had a stack of books on them, they had shit-eating grins as per usual.

Before I could do anything they throw their books at me until I fall over, Mercury kicks my good leg once I'm down. They continue throwing their books at me until they had no more, laughing all the while.

Coco: "Take these books back to the library for us will you?" She said in her usual bitchy tone.

Laughing once again they walk off as if nothing had ever happened.

Once they were out of earshot I get back up and slowly limped my way back to my dorm, the day finally over. On my way I got the usual stares from other students, I just walked into my dorm and locked the door.

I sit down on my bed before feeling around under the mattress, after a few seconds I find what I was looking for, an old blood-soaked rag.

I can't remember a time when this rag wasn't covered with my blood, it was once a bright white. I put the rag on my lap as I get my dagger out from beneath my pillow, since the accident it's been only used for this, not slaying Grimm.

I uncover my arms as all the scarring stares back at me, I make cuts down the entire length of them, reopening wounds that hadn't gotten the time to properly heal. After a few minutes of doing this, I could feel myself grow lightheaded, I cover the cuts as I go into the bathroom, I wring out as much blood out of the rag as I can before putting it back under the mattress.

I pull all my clothes off until I'm just in my underwear before getting into bed, tomorrow is another day...


Indeed today was another day, an awful day. I was glad that classes were over as I got bullied like always, Goodwich send me on a lot of errands which meant I got to avoid some of it. I got to meet a teacher I had never seen before on one of the errands, a new professor called Peach, she seems really nice.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now