Strangled Heart - (Team RWBY X Big Brother Male Reader)

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Team RWBY Fanart By: チャドルバギ On Reddit

Requested By: localpotato420

Published On: December 31, 2020


Our dorm was quiet as we all sat there in sad contemplation, we were thinking about our older brother Y/N. Well, he wasn't really our brother as we weren't really L/Ns but he took us in and cared for us, treating us like family in every way possible. When Summer passed away Tai became abusive and so Yang and I ran away, turns out we weren't the only ones running away from horrible homes, Weiss ran because of her father, Blake because of the White Fang. Y/N's parents had kicked him out of their home as they didn't want him so he just worked whatever jobs he could get and scrape together as much money as possible to stay afloat. When he met us he instantly took us in and allowed us to stay with him in his small apartment, he worked even harder day in and day out to give us all living essentials. Y/N had always loved tinkering around with machines and knew how to repair or redesign just about anything, it was this genius of his that got him a job at a tech company. With the really good pay he got from the new job he got us into Beacon, he even sent us money afterward even though Beacon took care of the essentials.

Y/N never knew but we found out about his little secret, he loved us as more than just family. At first, we didn't know how to process that info but all four of us came to the realization we felt the same, unfortunately, as Y/N thought we would never feel the same he went searching elsewhere and got together with two girls, Claire and Rachel. 

None of us liked those two girls, not just because of them taking our love but also because of how they treated our love. It soon became clear that they were just with Y/N for the money, at first Y/N couldn't see this, but soon this ugly reality would reveal itself when Y/N walked in on them having sex with another couple on his bed. After that night Y/N was never the same, he was quiet and never smiled anymore, you couldn't look into his eyes without seeing a strangled heart crying out for help. We wanted to talk to him about this and finally confess in the hopes that this along with our support would help him get better but he just suddenly stopped visiting us at Beacon. We went to his apartment to visit him only to find it on sale, at his workplace they told us that there was no Y/N L/N working there, and when we went to Junior's they told us he hasn't been around in a while. We finally found out where he was when a random customer at Junior's told us that he was at a warehouse downtown, the woman only knew since she sold Y/N a generator. Now it was finally time for us to meet our brother again and finally confess...

As we entered the barely lit warehouse we could hear the flicking of mechanical switches, there was the whirring of machines from other parts of the massive but tightly packed room. There were all kinds of different pieces of tech in there, synthesizers on one end, space-age looking locomotives on others. Everything imaginable was in this warehouse, turbines, diesel engines, cars, etc, it was like a technical center. After the team passed through the small walkway in between everything they reached a small opening where there were a bunch of massive computers with hundreds of wires connecting all over the place and even going up into the ceiling, in the middle mastering all of this was our big brother Y/N. He didn't even notice our arrival but rather was whizzing around on his office chair from console to console, we've never seen somebody type as fast as he did.

Blake: "Uh...Y/N?" She asked as she touched his shoulder.

Y/N turned around with a surprised look on his face, once he saw that it was us he pulls his headset down.

Y/N: "Hey! how did you get here?"

Weiss: "W-What is this place and what are you doing here?"

Y/N: "This is my home!"


Ruby: "Why would you live in a cold old warehouse filled with all this garbage!" I ask as I held onto his shoulder.

Y/N: "Okay, first of all, this isn't garbage I brought all of this in here by myself, second of all, I live here as I have no other choice" He says crossing his arms.

Yang: "What you mean you have no choice?"

Y/N: "I got fired and haven't been able to find another job for months now, nobody believes in my research either so I had no luck pitching some of my ideas to companies, if I could I would start my own company but I do not have the money for that as of right now." He says standing up.

He gestures around at everything in the warehouse.

Y/N: "The warehouse wasn't used by anyone and nobody wanted it, so I just snatched it up and so it naturally became the place I live in once I lost my job and with it the chance to pay bills for my apartment, though my neighbors were assholes anyways. Everything in here is stuff I already had or gotten my hands on over the last 6 months, allowing me to tinker with stuff as I please"

Blake: "You have always loved tinkering with machines" She said with a giggle.

Y/N: "So what can I do for you?"

Weiss: "What can't we visit our brother?" She said in a fake offended tone.

Y/N: "You can, it's just that you didn't know about this place so finding out about it somehow and locating it means that something important happened, not to mention that you four are working to become Huntresses at Beacon and have much better things to do than hang around with a low-life asshole" He said making us look at him sadly.

Yang: "You aren't a low-life asshole, you're our brother!" She says hugging him tightly.

Blake: "Yea, one who always cares for us."

Weiss: "Loves us very much, always watches over us."

Ruby: "And who we cherish with our entire beings" I say as I get into the hug as well.

When we separated we saw that Y/N was crying, Yang quickly wiped his tears away.

Y/N: "T-Thanks...I'm sorry I haven't visited you in a while..." He replies looking down.

Ruby: "Hey it's okay, we know that things haven't exactly been easy for you."

Blake: "That entire thing with Claire and Rachel wasn't your fault, they were selfish whores."

Yang: "You did everything a boyfriend should have done, they were too blind to see how good they had it."

Suddenly we grew quiet as we all gave each other knowing looks, Y/N just stared at us confused. Before he could ask what was wrong we all walked up and kissed him at once, when we separated he was completely red in the face.

Ruby: "The truth is that we loved you as more than just a brother for a long time now, we knew of your crush as well. When we heard that you got together with those two skanks we didn't want to intervene as you seemed so happy with them, but we can't hide our feelings for you any longer. We love you Y/N and we want you to be our boyfriend!" I confess as I hold his hands tightly.

Without a word, Y/N hugged me tightly as he started crying out of happiness.

Y/N: "Yes! yes I'll gladly be your boyfriend, I have loved you all for so long"

And with that, we have cut the ropes that have been strangling the heart of our dear beloved brother...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting localpotato420

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