Let's Leave This Shithole Together! - (Rejecting Ruby X Male Reader X Blake)

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Blake Fanart By: Liang-Xing On DeviantArt

Requested By: gridcz1

Published On: October 3, 2020


Another day on my job at the bakery waiting behind the counter for new customers, today was pretty quiet as there were only a couple of customers who were all very chill making it very quiet in the place. My thoughts were somewhere else however as I was staring with hate at Ruby who was eating cookies as always, I will never forgive her...

Y/N and I used to be friends with Ruby, but when Y/N confessed to Ruby she not only harshly rejected him but even started treating him like shit every time she saw him, as a result of that Y/N absolutely fucking hates her. After he was rejected he over time got together with me, of course, Ruby had to be a bitch and is now trying to get Y/N back...to no success...I know...shocking...

But today everything would change for us as Y/N and I would finally leave this shithole of a town behind once and for all heading to Atlas where our friend Weiss left to a couple of years back, we have been spending the last few months doing all kinds of things to get and save up as much money as we could even if we now had more then we actually needed for the move.

I got startled when the doorbell went off as none other than Y/N himself entered.

When Ruby sees him she tried to walk to him but Y/N doesn't like that all.

Y/N: "Keep your distance bitch!" He says while giving her the finger.

He walks over to me and pulls me over to the counter into a deep heated kiss, the kiss quickly turned into a battle of tongues that Y/N ultimately won.

Y/N: "How are you doing darling" He asks as we disconnect with a string of saliva having between us.

Blake: "Aside from the redhead things have been nice and quiet, what about you?"

Y/N: "I have everything packed already for the evening, you ready?"

Blake: "Yep everything is packed"

After chatting for a few minutes and an order of bretzels Y/N leaves to go tie up some loose ends, as soon as he is out the door Ruby walks up to the counter much to my annoyance.

Ruby: "What did Y/N mean with his question of you being ready?"

Blake: "First of all, you should mind your own fucking business, and second, no matter how much you regret rejecting and treating Y/N like shit it isn't gonna suddenly all go away, Y/N and I are leaving this shithole this evening." I snapped back making Ruby go wide-eyed

Ruby: "WHAT? NO! YOU GUYS CAN'T LEAVE!!" She said looking like she is about to cry

Blake: "We certainly can and will, both of us had enough of this shithole and now have enough money to leave it all behind and live in Atlas."

Ruby: "But what about me?" She asked as a couple of tears went down her cheeks.

Blake: "What about you? we aren't friends, but at Atlas, we can hang out with our old friend Weiss whenever we want to." I replied coldly.

Ruby: "But-"

Blake: "But nothing! now scram! I'm willing to put up with you if you order but if ya just want to annoy me then get out!" I said pointing to the door.

Ruby mumbled something to herself and then just left.

Blake: "Fucking bitch..."



Blake and Y/N were just loading all of Blake's belongings into the trunk of his Trans Am, however, their peaceful moment was cut short when they heard the clacking of boots coming down the streets.

Ruby: "Y/N!! WAIT DON'T LEAVE!!" She screams out as she runs up to both of them and just barely avoids running into Y/N as she stops.

Blake: "What are you doing here? didn't you get the message? we are leaving whether you like it or not!" She said as she glared at Ruby.

Y/N: "What she said..." He said quickly dismissing Ruby entirely and just helping Blake.

Ruby: "No wait Y/N I'm sorry! I love you!" She said cried out.

When Y/N heard those last three words he slammed the trunk closed with all the luggage loaded.


Ruby: "Please!" She cried out desperately as she clung to Y/N.

Y/N: "Get off me cunt!" He cried out as he pushed Ruby off him making her fall into the middle of the road.

Blake: "You stay away from my man!" She shouted as she got her weapon out.

Ruby: "I'm not gonna just let you leave with Y/N!" She cried out as she got up and got her scythe out.

Blake: "He doesn't want anything to do with you!" She replies as she uses her semblance to avoid a strike from Ruby and pops up behind her.

Ruby: "Whaa-" She said in confusion not taking Blake's semblance into account and getting struck from the back shattering her aura.

Blake: "You can't even fight properly, at least I can fight for my man." She says before striking at Ruby's back making a deep cut.

Ruby: "AHHHHHH!!" She screams out in pain collapsing.

Blake: "Hopefully you have learned to never fuck with us again!" She said as she puts her weapon away.

Y/N: "Great job babe" He congratulates as they enter a deep passionate kiss.

They didn't even look at Ruby as they got in and locked the doors, the engine of the Trans Arm roared to live.

The Trans Am screeched off at high speeds leaving a heartbroken Ruby sitting in the middle of the road all alone, alone in the run-down town of RovenTrail...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed it!

Thanks for requesting gridcz1

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