Evolutional - (Team RWBY X Male Reader)

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Team RWBY Fanart By: UntoldMage On DeviantArt

Requested By: localpotato420

Published On: November 24, 2020


I never expected them to go this far, I never expected them to have feelings for me. I admittedly liked them as well, I thought I didn't have a chance with them. Everything changed when I set sights on the bloodstained room lit up only by their eyes, that's when I knew nothing would ever be the same.

I can still remember the first time I got to witness them doing it first hand, they didn't care while ending her as if this wasn't only the second time they did this.

The girl had no idea what she was doing when she flirted with me, she didn't expect that to be her last action. She couldn't even fight back, she could only take a final look at the four girls and their silver eyes before she was crushed with her aura shattering with no resistance. The hallway was stained in blood as they crushed her with their strength, once you got on their bad side all their humanity gets stripped away, replaced by the cold hash nature expected by their kind.

At first, I was taken off guard, at first I thought this was going to be a problem but it didn't take me long to realize that I liked, no, loved this. As much as I knew it was wrong, I loved it, every single moment. I loved them and their bloody ways of dealing with threats to our love, we were dedicated to each other.

They are perfect and hiding it was never a problem as a result, it was all too easy to deceive these humans. We were always able to cover our tracks and move on, we only moved from location to location for the thrill of traveling. If the people attending our wedding would have known then they would have run for the hills, of course, if they would have known then they would have been killed.

I have grown used to the harsh switch from loving wife to emotionless exterminators, removing the pests as they scream their lungs out, but they only look emotionless while they do it, they would sometimes prolong the suffering of their victims to give me a show.

Now we live happily in a large house in Vacuo, living mostly separated from the other people. Rumors have caused a lot of people to be wary of us, some who don't know it's the truth chose to not believe the rumors and befriend us instead.

I gave them the key to evolution and they took it, Faunus and machines, together, together and inseparable...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting localpotato420

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now