Wayward Soul - (Blake x Earth Fighter Pilot Male Reader)

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Blake Fanart By: WingedArcher On Reddit

Requested By: KaitheAvatar

Published On: December 30, 2020


Y/N: "Copy that, I got eyes on the targets, engaging now." I said through the comm.

I dive down on the enemy jets and open fire, I was able to shoot down two before the rest of the squad got out of the way with evasive maneuvers. Of course, my motherfucking squad wasn't here with me but was instead ordered to go handle some stragglers, I always get stuck with the hardest sons of bitches...or daughters of bitches I dunno.

Y/N: "YEE HAAA I AIN'T AFRAID OF PLAYING DIRTY TO TAKE YOU OUT MOTHERFUCKERS!!!" I scream with a smile as I dodge and weave out of the way to avoid their missiles.

The three remaining jets are dropping back and going down, looks like they got new orders. I was about to go down and follow them when my comm went off.

General: "L/N we are getting readings in your area of--" He says in a panicked tone until suddenly the comm cuts off with static.

Y/N: "What the-" I was about to say before my jet gets knocked around all a sudden.

A massive electric shock shoots through my jet making its systems go haywire, I try to keep control but the electric shock is too much and I pass out, the final thing I see is a forest coming closer to me.


When I wake up I see that my jet is totally wrecked and stuck in a tree moving back and forth dangerously, I can hear some people talking in the distance. My surroundings confused me, there was no forest anywhere near the area where I was flying. I slowly and carefully open the hatch to get out, before I could get out of my seat the jet stars falling out of the tree. 

Y/N: "AHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKK" I scream out in pain as the jet crashes down onto the ground.

Using all my energy to not pass out from the pain I climb out of the jet and drop down, once I saw that the fuel is leaking out I back up as far as possible against a tree until my legs give out. Suddenly four girls come running up with...cool but weird outfits, they looked worried and were walking closer to the jet.


It seems they didn't notice me before my scream, they quickly back up and run over to me.

Redhead: "Are you alright?? What happened?"

I ignored her questions and laid on my side so I could get a clear shot past them, I shoot at the engines making the jet go up in flames in a massive explosion. The Redhead looks at me shocked while the other three back up looking like they are about to fight me, I just ignore them and lay back down against the tree.

Blonde: "Why would you do that!?!" She asks looking angry.

Y/N: "I'm in unknown and potentially hostile surroundings, I can't let the enemy get any intel from the destroyed craft"

Weiss: "What are you even talking about?"

Y/N: "That I'm not at liberty to say."

I take out my gun again and hold it against my head making the girls freak out, the redhead tires to get closer but I lean away.

Y/N: "Don't" I say looking at her emotionlessly.

Redhead: "But why, why would you want to do this?" She asks looking scarred.

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