The End Is Near - (Team RWBY X Regenerating Doctor Male Reader)

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Ruby Fanart By: DarkerEve On DeviantArt

Requested By: localpotato420

Published On: December 25, 2020


With a sigh and a heavy heart, Ruby gets on the bullhead, she and her team were setting off for another mission to exterminate Grimm that are getting too close to a town, threatening to attack it. For a month now she and her teammates have been concerned about their boyfriend Y/N, he has started to act differently, he is more quiet and withdrawn, more somber, and when they ask him about it he just says something about how the end is near. This is the first mission he is going on with since he started acting this way, they hope he might lighten up at the chance of fighting some Grimm, it always was one of his favorite activities after all.

Y/N wasn't your average boyfriend, aside from being the man of their dreams he also wasn't human. It was a long story, it involved angry pepper pots suddenly invading, a blue box that was bigger on the inside, and time whimy stuff. Needless to say, Y/N being a Galifrayan and not a human kept the girls on their toes as sometimes they would find out surprising new stuff about him here and there.

The bullhead ride took some time as the town was at the very edge of the kingdom, it was the very reason why such a large horde of Grimm was able to amass outside the town in the first place. The girls just talked with each other, but they did it in a whisper tone as Y/N had fallen asleep on Blake's shoulder. Y/N had once again not slept during the night, they were starting to get concerned for his ability to fight with this little sleep, but every time they questioned him about it he had no trouble demonstrating his ability to slay Grimm with no sleep.

When they finally arrived Blake had to spend a good four minutes to try and wake up Y/N, when he finally woke up he just got out the bullhead without saying a word, the girls knew that he wouldn't say what is bothering him so they just followed him to the designated location.

When they arrived at the spot there wasn't a single Grimm in sight, they weren't even any signs of destruction. When the girls saw that there weren't any Grimm they relaxed, Y/N meanwhile was still standing in front ready for an attack.

Weiss: "Well I guess they must've moved already" She said looking at the marker on her Scroll.

Y/N: "No...they're here" He said.

Just as those words left his mouth Grimm came out from every corner surrounding them, behaviour like this wasn't usual for regular Grimm...unless they were led by a bigger and older Grimm...

Y/N looked around for this leader but saw nothing, he had a bad feeling about this...

The group each split off to fight Grimm from one side, Blake took the ones from the back, Weiss the ones from the front, Ruby from the left, and Yang from the right. Y/N was about to help Weiss as there seemed to more on her side when he suddenly spotted something, up there in the tress there were two red eyes staring at him. Y/N was about to inform the others of this when suddenly it jumped out of the trees almost hitting him, it was like a bear but with massive claws and the head of a lion. The Grimm sprung from one attack to another within seconds, Y/N was just barely able to avoid the last swing letting it cut down a tree instead. 

Y/N was ready to lead the Grimm somewhere else when it just shook its head and instead ran right at Yang, seeing what was about to happen Y/N runs after him as fast as he can.

Yang only turned around a second before the Grimm hit her when she was suddenly thrown out of the way by Y/N, when she got up it was suddenly quiet, she saw the others staring in shock at something, when she looks in the same direction she sees Y/N...impaled...

Yang: "Y/N!" She screams out as she gets up and with a running start kills the Grimm making it dissolve.

Before Y/N could drop to the ground he gets caught by Yang who slowly lowers him down, the others still in shock slowly walk up to them.

Y/N: "I-I don't want to go, but I know that I don't have any saying in this..." He says crying as Yang desperately pushes down on his wound.


Y/N: "I knew that my end was near anyways, I just hope you'll love me once this is over..." He says with tearful eyes before he stopped moving.

Yang: "Y-Y/N? Y/N Y/N!" She cries out as she shakes his body.

Ruby: "Yang it's's over, he's gone" She says as she hugs Yang who is still clutching Y/N's body with all her strength.

As all the others were crying their hearts out Ruby was the only one that saw that Y/N's body was starting to glow in Yang's arms, at first she thought she was just imagining it but it soon became apparent that it was real.

Ruby: "G-Guys...look!" She said pointing to Y/N.

His body glowed brighter and brighter until the girls had to look away, the glow engulfed his entire body. After a few minutes, the glow finally died down, but when they looked there was a different boy in Yang's arms.

Yang: "Wha...What the fuc-"

Y/N: "coughs"

Yang: "Wha" She cried out she jerked backward dropping the man on the ground, the man slowly got up rubbing his head.

Y/N: "That wasn't a nice welcome..."

Blake: "Who...who are you and what are you doing here?" She asks stepping forward slightly.

Y/N: "Still just me Y/N L/N, your boyfriend and hopefully future husband, I know that things must be confusing."

Weiss: "CONFUSING?!?! CONFUSING?!! WE JUST SAW YOU FUCKING DIE AND NOW YOU ARE SOMEHOW BACK WITH A NEW APPEARANCE!!! I-I-" She screamed out before passing out from shock.

Y/N: "This is exactly what I hoped wouldn't happen, my end was near and so I took the hit, not that I wouldn't have taken the hit anyways. I'm still very much alive, I just regenerated, remember, still a time lord here, not human." He explains as he got up and picked up Weiss bridal style.

Yang: "So what you are immortal, why didn't you tell us?"

Y/N: "Because I was afraid, to be honest."

Ruby: "Afraid of what? this would have prevented us from experiencing all this right now?!?"

Y/N: "Every time I regenerate not only does my appearance and voice change but my personality slightly changes each time as well, I was afraid you wouldn't love me anymore after I would regenerate."

Blake: "Oh Y/N you should know by now that we love you no matter what!" She says as she puts a hand on his cheek.

Ruby: "Does this mean you can live forever?"

Y/N: "No...I can only regenerate five more times after this, but each lifetime is much longer than that of a Human or Faunus, I could live forever by gaining more regeneration cycles, but for that, I would have to go to my home planet and...well that isn't exactly possible" He said making the girls frown.

Yang: "Well at least you'll be here for all our lives, we do intend to grow old with you after all." She says with a sweet smile as she kisses him.

Y/N: "So do I"

Blake: "I'm not going to be the one calming down Weiss once she wakes up again."

Y/N: "We'll do it together"

And with that the team set off for Beacon, Humans, Faunus, and a Time Lord, together forever...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting localpotato420

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