Not So Merry - (Secret Admirer Yang & Coco X Male Reader )

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Yang Fanart By: HOSEN-HOSEN-HOCEN On DeviantArt

Requested By: HopeTheAssassin

Published On: December 25, 2021


It was Christmas and half of Mistral is covered in snow, caught in heavy snowstorms that go on for hours. The majority of people were at home as expected, celebrating the holiday with their loved ones...

...except for two women, Yang Xiao Long and Coco Adel, the both of them had made their way through the bad weather to an office building, hoping to find what they have been looking for all day.

Coco: "Well if his boss was right then he should be in here." She says quietly as they enter the first floor of the office.

The place was completely quiet, with no employees around anywhere, no light except for the tiny bit that came through the windows.

Yang: "It's actually kind of creepy in here."

Coco: "I know, seeing an office quiet like this is...weird."

They walked past rows and rows of desks, stopping when they saw light coming from a desk at the end of the room.

Coco: "That must be him."

They sped up a bit, walking over to the computer. Items have been misplaced and the computer was on, but no one was there.

Yang: "Seems like someone just forgot to turn off thei-"

They both froze when they heard crying...coming from underneath the desk.

When they crouch down they see Y/N crying as his face is hidden behind his hands, looking quite disheveled.

Yang: "Y/N?" She asks gently as she touches his legs.

Scared and surprised, Y/N jerks back and hits his head on the desk. With his hands away the girls could see the tear tracks that run down his face, and how puffy and red his eyes are.

Y/N: "H-Huh...w-what are you two doing here?"

Coco: "We've been kinda looking all over the place for you, this is the last place we hadn't checked yet."

Yang: "Yeah, what are you doing here on Christmas?"

Coco: "Exactly, why work on Christmas?"

Y/N: "I-I finished my work hours ago...a-and I don't celebrate Christmas."

Yang: "Huh!?! why not?"

Y/N: "I just don't..."

Coco: "Okay listen, we can talk about that later, but right now I want to know why you are crying?"

Y/N: "It's nothing..."

Yang: "It clearly isn't if you're that devasted, hidden beneath your desk and looking like the world has ended." She said a bit too firmly, making Y/N just look away again.

Coco: "Y/N please tell us what's bothering you, whatever it is we won't tell anyone...please." She said gently, taking Y/N's hand in hers.

Y/N: "F-Five years ago I was...going to get married and...a-and the wedding was just a couple of days before Christmas as neither of us could wait. Just two days before it...m-my fiance...s-he suddenly just left, s-she left me and never came back."

Coco: "I'm sorry, I wish I would've known, we would've been here for you."

Y/N: "Since then I can't...hear or see anything Christmas-related...i-it just hurts." He chokes out.

Yang: "Well that was her loss, she missed the chance to be with an amazing person."

Y/N: "N-No, she probably left because I wasn't good enough."

Coco: "That's not true!"

Yang: "Yeah, plenty of women would be really happy to have you in their lives."

Coco: "More than happy, I bet you get love letters all the time!"

Y/N: "I-I did get love letters, each of them was always signed by two women, but they stopped coming a month ago...probably realized that they were sending them to the wrong address." He said feeling even more down now.

Yang: "N-No! that's not it, it wa-uh...l-look we have to come clean with you...we..."

Coco: "We wrote those letters, we both have loved you since you moved into the area for this job."

Y/N: "T-Then why did the letters stop?"

Yang: "It was because we both became too busy for the Christmas surprises we made for you, it didn't leave any time for us to write more of them."

Coco: "We thought it'll be okay, we didn't think it would upset you so much that they stopped."

Y/N: "They were oftentimes the only thing that got me through the day..." He admitted looking down at the floor.

Yang: "We should've handled this better, we should have confessed to you much sooner."

Coco: "Come here honey." She says, pulling Y/N out from under the desk and into her arms, tightly embracing him.

Before Y/N had even a chance to escape her grasp, Yang joins in as well, making his already red face go redder still.

Coco: "Now let's get you home and show you those Christmas surprises we have for you, consider it our first date if you like."

Yang: "And Christmas will be a good thing for you once more, just you wait cutie."

Y/N: "I'll like that." He responds, his voice still hoarse from crying so much.

With that Yang turns his computer off and Coco picks him up bridal style, leaving the cold quiet office behind, ready to make this Christmas a bright and cheerful one...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting HopeTheAssassin

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