A New Lead - (Fem Marrow X Male Reader)

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Fem Marrow Fanart By: Zephylyne On Twitter

Requested By: Gnawsome1

Published On: February 13, 2021


Another day, another session of searching...

I've been spending a long time now looking for a new female lead after the last one was unexpectedly not available due to an accident, now the movie needs a new lead quickly or else it's all down the drain. I have been looking all over the place and been through several interviews with many actresses, none of them however fit into the role.

Still upset I make my way into my favorite coffee shop, maybe my favorite donuts and some coffee can cheer me up. I order before going to my usual table, as I wait for my order I look around the shop.

Suddenly...my eyes landed on...her...

Over in a corner booth is a lonely looking woman, she was looking down sadly at her coffee cup, she was perfect for the role!

Once I got my order I took it and walked over to her, she looked surprised that someone joined her.

Y/N: "Hi I'm Y/N, I wanted to ask you something if you don't mind?" I asked as I held my hand out.

???: "Sure I don't mind, I'm Marissa" She replied as we shook hands.

Y/N: "I'm the director of a movie called 'Highway' and recently my female lead had to quit as she got into an accident and has to recover, I believe you would be perfect for the role" I say making her eyes go wide.

Marissa: "M-Me? but I'm not even an actress...and you just met me..." She replies in utter disbelieve.

Y/N: "That might be so but I have faith you can do it, I have been looking all over the place for someone who'll fit the role and until now I have found nothing."

Marissa: "I don't think it would be a good idea" She says laughing nervously.

Y/N: "The character that you would be playing is called Mary Ledge and her story is all about trying to get out of her assassin lifestyle and instead settling down, if you change your mind then you can call me with this" I explain as I gave her my business card.

Marissa: "What made you approach me for this anyways?"

Y/N: "When I first laid eyes on you it was like looking at Mary Ledge herself, I can see that you are a caring, compassionate yet troubled women, not unlike Mary Ledge."

Marissa: "You r-really think so?" She asks blushing.

Y/N: "I know so"

Normally I would only spend a few minutes at the coffee shop, this time around I was there for hours talking with Marissa and she quickly grew in my eyes from a mere candidate for the role to an amazing friend.


Things rapidly accelerated from there, now Marissa and I have been texting ever since, getting to know each other much better. I really enjoyed spending my time talking with her over either text or calls, after a few days I finally asked her out.

We went to a small restaurant that wasn't too over fancy, something that is certainly hard to find in Atlas... I would make a total ass of myself due to how shy I can get around her, thankfully everything went swimmingly with her smiling every moment.

Now we were walking to the landing platforms where she would be picked up by a ship, we were holding hands as well.

Marissa: "I really enjoyed our date, it was the most fun I've had in a long while."

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now