Can't Run, Can't Scream - (Cheater Nora X Male Reader X Yandere Pyrrha)

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Pyrrha Fanart By: Less On Reddit

Requested By: DarkSoulsDepression

Published On: January 31, 2021


Now Y/N L/N didn't ask for much in his life, at the end of the day the only thing he really wanted was to be loved. For 8 months now he has been dating Nora Valkyrie, they had been happy together. Admittedly Nora was kind of a replacement as originally Y/N intended to ask Pyrrha out, unfortunately, he saw her together with Jaune when he went to confess, but despite that he did come to genuinely love and care for Nora. Now he was asking himself how it all went so wrong...

Nora: "Y/N...L-Listen ther-" But she was cut off by Y/N slamming the dorm room shut.

Y/N ran away through the halls, his mind a scattered mess. Why would she do this if they've been so happy? was it all lie? was any of her happiness real? On their 8 month anniversary he wanted to do something nice only to find her cheating with some random upperclassmen he had never even heard about before, things couldn't be worst...

Y/N: "ARGH" He cries out in pain as he trips and falls to the ground.

???: "Y/N! are you okay!?" Asked a concerned voice.

As Y/N looked up his heart only hurt more, it was Pyrrha of all people who would find him in this state.

Y/N: "Yeah...I'm fine" He responded as he miserably failed to keep the hurt out of his tone.

Pyrrha: "You're crying...what happened?"

Y/N: "sighs Nora cheated on me, I don't know who the guy is as I have never seen him before."

Pyrrha: "Tha-"

Y/N: "I'm just going to go into Vale now and drink until I have forgotten about this, I'll be back in the evening" He said dejectedly as he walked away.

Pyrrha just stood there in awe, in awe of how someone could be such a cunt, such a whore...

Pyrrha: "When I get my hands on her..." She muttered under her breath livid as she stormed off towards her team dorm.


Nora was crying her heart out as her new boyfriend tried...and failed to comfort her, she was still naked from her earlier exploits.

Pyrrha: "YOU FUCKING WHORE!!" She screamed out as she slammed the door open before smashing it closed again with her semblance and locking it.

Nora: "Pyrrha I-"


Boyfriend: "Leav-" He was about to say before being stabbed in the throat by Pyrrha's spear, sticking him to the wall.

Nora: "Ohh God!" She screamed out covering her eyes.

Pyrrha picked Nora up by her shoulders and slammed her against the wall as she looked deeply into her eyes, if looks could kill then Nora would have been erased from existence.

Pyrrha: "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!? HUH? YOU WHORE!" She screamed out as she kept slamming Nora's head into the wall.

Nora: "Y-Yes I do..." She wailed out as she cried.


Nora: "I d-" She was cut off as Pyrrha choked her.

Pyrrha: "But I'm going to make sure you will know..."

With her semblance she pulled her spear to her hand and held it in front of Nora's face which started to grow pale from the choking.

With as much force as she could muster she stabbed through Nora's abdomen over, and over, and over again.

Pyrrha: "THIS IS ONLY A FRACTION OF THE PAIN YOU MADE Y/N FEEL, YOU GOT THAT?!?" She screamed right into the ginger's face as she banged her head into the wall again.

Nora tried to nod her head in order to appease her attacker, but she didn't have the strength for it anymore, Pyrrha only grew more infuriated when she didn't get a response.


She then looked at her spear...

Pyrrha: "Now I'm gonna play with your heart as well"

She swiftly pulled her spear back before plunging it into Nora's heart, Nora's eyes widened one final time before growing still. The spartan's need for revenge wasn't soothed however and she proceeded to stab into the heart countless more times, after another minute she finally dropped Nora onto the ground.

She took a final look over her bloody work and gave it a good kick goodbye.

Pyrrha was about to leave the room when she stopped in her bloodied tracks, she had gotten an idea...

Pyrrha: "No..."

She went back to Nora's corpse and kicked it again, she wasn't going to let this one go.



Y/N had finally gotten back to Beacon after a long afternoon drinking his troubles away, now he was making his way back to his dorm for some painkillers to stop his headache. He was going to show that bitch that she fucked up, he wasn't just going to let her cheat on him like that. He was taken out of his revengeful and angry thoughts when he saw the massive crowd that had gathered around the statue, when he looked up he saw why...

Nora had been nailed to the statue, she was naked and bloodied. Some birds were already pecking at her head, countless stab wounds on her chest and abdomen. 'I'M A FILTHY WHORE' was written in bold black letters on her abdomen, her vagina was a bloody and cut apart mess...

???: "Do you like it? I did it just for you!" A voice said behind him.

When Y/N and everyone else turned around they were met with the sight of Pyrrha covered in blood from top to bottom, she was smiling like a child showing their parent a drawing they made.

All the students started to run away in fear while some just stood there paralyzed by shock, Y/N didn't say anything making Pyrrha afraid she upset him.

Y/N: "I...I...I absolutely fucking love it!" He cries out as he runs up to her and hugs her tightly.

Nothing could have prepared Pyrrha for such an enthusiastic response, but she was even less prepared for when Y/N started making out with her. Soon the outside world started to fade away and it was just them, not even the screams of the students were able to ruin the moment for them.

They didn't separate until the need for oxygen grew too large, strings of saliva pulling apart as they stare deeply into each other's eyes.

Y/N: "Wanna continue this somewhere else?"

Pyrrha: "Definitely, my art piece is gonna get the cops here"

Y/N: "We'll be able to outrun whoever tries to take us"

And with that the new couple skips off from the crime scene, ready to get somewhere quiet to get down...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting DarkSoulsDepression

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