Unexpected Results - (Robyn X Ace Op Male Reader)

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Robyn Fanart By: Cadhla182 On DeviantArt

Requested By: Gnawsome1

Published On: June 14, 2021


Cheers and laughter...

That's what one of Atlas's parks was filled with as they held a festival with many stands and displays, people from not just all over the city had come but even some from Mantle had turned up. The festival was being held by the military, it was quite extravagant as a result.

Parked at the corner of a street at the outskirts of the park was an old worn-down truck, completely ignored by everyone in the area. Inside were three individuals monitoring the affairs as a fourth was on foot checking things out. The happy huntresses have taken note of the festival and they weren't pleased, especially not their leader Robyn.

She was furious that while Mantle was fighting through the same problems as before Atlas would have the audacity to hold a festival, Robyn wasn't just going to let this go by. Before the festival had started they had targeted one specific display and its stage as it was fenced off and apparently unfinished, now they were going to destroy it with bombs to show Atlas what was up.

May: "Alright everything seems to be ready" She said as she leaned back.

Fiona looked all over the monitors, seeing nothing weird or out of place, she gives Robyn a thumbs up.

Robyn activated her comm to get confirmation from Joanna who was outside the truck and on foot within the crowds.

Joanna: "Everything is on point."

Robyn: "Good we can do it then."

Joanna: "Timer is on an-" She said before the comm cut off.

Robyn waited as everything stayed silent for several seconds, finally the comm crackled to life again.

Joanna: "Something isn't right here, the lights of the display got tur-oh fuc-" She said before getting cut off again.

Robyn: "Someone tell me what the fuck is going on there!" She screams into the comm.

The comms just crackled, Robyn's attention flew to the monitors when Fiona gasped. People were going onto the stage of the display, it was getting used after all...


Her cries were cut off as a massive explosion went off, the people on the stage getting blown away. Robyn looked on in shock as the screaming crowd scrambled to get off there, the festivities long forgotten. Robyn takes off her headset and runs out of the truck, ignoring the cries of the others.

She forced her way through the crowd, she fell over when she tripped over an unconscious Ace Op member, he was clearly bleeding as his uniform's side was stained in red. Looking around Robyn saw that no one knew what was going on, none of the Atlesian figures had the situation under control.

Robyn looked at the Ace Op member again and then back to the place where the stage once stood, feeling guilty she picks up the Ace Op member and runs back to the truck. When Fiona and May saw the Ace Op in Robyn's arms they were very confused, Robyn just ignored them and laid the man down in the back.

Robyn: "Fiona we need first aid here! May get us out of here!" She ordered quickly.

Both huntresses didn't hesitate to follow her orders, soon the truck raced out of there in the middle of the chaos. Fiona undressed him quickly, revealing the wound on the man's lower right side. He had metal in him that was battered, he had a lot of cuts there.

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