LoveSick - (Rejecting Emerald X Depressed Male Reader X Yandere Cinder)

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Cinder Fanart By: Sculp2 On DeviantArt

Requested By: Bat117

Published On: October 1, 2020


I have been a part of Cinder's group for 3 years now and joined her along with Emerald and Mercury on many missions, I quickly grew to like Mercury as if he was the brother I never had. For the two girls, I quickly felt things much deeper than just family, I wanted to tell at least one of them for a long time and I have finally decided to tell Emerald as I wasn't even sure if Cinder would like me.

I found Emerald in the kitchen, she looked pretty annoyed probably because of Mercury...

Emerald: "Fucking asshole" She muttered under her breath as she got a drink out of the fridge.

Y/N: "H-Hey Emerald..." I said nervously.

Emerald: "'s you...hey" She said dismissively.

Y/N: "I wanted to tell you something, something important, and its-" I started saying before I was suddenly cut off my a suddenly even more angry Emerald.

Emerald: "Godammit NO! I thought it was already obvious that I do not like you and before you ask YES I already knew about your stupid crush as you weren't very good at hiding it, now get the fuck out of here and don't ever bother me again!" She cried into my face as she shoved me back a couple of times.

I didn't know what to think or say so I just ran out in tears, I almost ran into Cinder as I ran out into the hall.


After Y/N was far enough away I stormed into the room right up to Emerald, before she could even say anything I firmly slapped her making her fall to the floor.

Emerald: "C-Cinder?" She asked confused looking up as she held her cheek.

Cinder: "You think you can treat MY man like THAT?" I said in a low tone absolutely infuriated.

I activated my semblance and held her wrist until her aura shattered, she wouldn't stop screaming so I slapped her a second time.

Cinder: "I'll make sure that you will never hurt my darling again..." I said as I formed glass spears and threw them right threw her legs and wrists pinning her to the floor.

Emerald: "P-Please I won't do it ever again, please let me go!" She begged crying her eyes out.

Cinder: "Crying like the bitch you are isn't going to get you anywhere, I'm going to make this nice and slow..." I said as I formed flames into both my hands.

The screams were soo sweet and only improved by the reverb...


I was making my way to Y/N's room after disposing of the remains, but I was surprised when he suddenly came around the corner and tightly hugged me.

Y/N: "I saw what you did to Emerald and I-I never thought somebody would love me that much, I would never think that somebody would go that far for me." He said as he looked me in the eyes.

I was about to explain myself and to maybe find some way to salvage this but all thoughts were thrown out when he kissed me!

I didn't think Y/N would ever act this bold, it didn't take long for me to be turned on.

Y/N: "I don't care if you a yandere, I just want to be one with you"

Cinder: "I would love to!" I replied as I hugged him tightly.

The surprises didn't end there as Y/N took my hand and guided me to his room where we quickly continued our make-out session, only stopping to undress.

Cinder: "I have been waiting for this for so long." I said out of breath.

Y/N: "I-I hope I don't disappoint as this is my first time." He said looking concerned.

Cinder: "Honey it's my first time as well, there is nothing to worry about." I whispered as I slowly took him in for another kiss.

I turned us around and lined his cock up to my asshole and quickly rammed down.

Y/N: "Ahhh C-Cinder! d-don't you want to take it slow?" He asked moaning as I started to ride his cock.

Cinder: "N-No give it to me hard and rough!" I cried out through the moans.

He didn't waste a second and started thrusting up making me bounce, even more, he already made me cum over five times within a few minutes.

He only got more heated as time went and on and took my arms for extra grip and really started giving it to me!

Cinder: "Oooooohhh yes~ you are a natural at this!" I screamed out in pleasure as he plowed my rear.

After a couple of thrusts, he finally reached his end and filled my ass with cum making it overflow, we both collapsed onto the bed as he snuggled up into me and I placed his head in between my breasts.

Cinder: "That was amazing..."

Y/N: "Y-Yeah..." He replied still out of breath as he closed his eyes and snuggled even more into me.

Cinder: "Tired?" I asked as I stroked his hands.

Y/N: "Yeah, it's been a really long day."

Cinder: "Goodnight honey" I whispered as I turned the bedside lamp out and wrapped my arms around him.

Y/N: "Goodnight Cindy" He whispered back as we both drifted off to sleep...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed it!

Thanks for requesting @Bat117

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