The Holy Grail - (May X Male Reader)

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May Fanart By dishwasher1910 On DeviantArt

Requested By: Gnawsome1

Published On: March 27, 2022


May really wished she was doing something else right now, but instead she was once again following after her boyfriend as he got himself in stupid and dangerous situations...

She didn't mind him being a nerd, she didn't mind that he was a gamer, but she did mind that he liked collecting beta versions of video games!

Why? because it always ended up with going into random warehouses or vaults and nearly getting killed, something that May always had to rescue him from.

May: "Can we please go home, I want to watch some TV."

Y/N: "No I'm so close to getting the holy grail!"

May: "Holy grail!? what? do at this point HUNDREDS of betas and alphas count for nothing anymore?"

Y/N: "That's not what I meant! they're all awesome, but this is something I've been hoping to find for years now."

May: "And what is that?"

Y/N: "A really early build of Gran Turismo!"

May: "Wow...sooo amazing..." She says, rolling her eyes.

Y/N: "Just don't, unless you want to sleep on the couch tonight, then please continue."

May: sighs "Why do I even bother with you?"

Y/N: "Because you love me."

Before May could respond Y/N runs off when he finds the box he was looking for, he makes sure the serial number is correct before opening it.

Y/N: "YES!!! HERE IT IS!!!"

May: "Can we leave now?"

Y/N: "THIS IS AN AMAZING DAY!!!" He celebrates, striking a triumphant pose.

May just shakes her head as alarms start blaring, the entire warehouse turning red in an instant.

Already used to this shit, May pulls out a grappling hook and shoots it at the ceiling, grabbing Y/N as she pulls them both up.

Y/N: "My hero." He says, making May roll her eyes again.

A bunch of people in suits and security uniforms enter the building from both sides, opening fire on the two as Y/N activates his semblance, blocking a couple of shots May gets her sniper rifle out, annoyed that she'll have to shoot one-handed.

May: "Don't bother, I know you don't have a lot of aura."

Right as she says that Y/N's aura shatters from too much strain, removing the shield around them, unfazed by their vulnerability May opens fire, taking out several targets before they finally reach the ceiling, climbing out from some windows on the roof.

May: "Okay now let's get the fuck outta here, and after this, you're grounded for 2 months with NO collecting!"

Y/N: "Only if you give me a massage every Saturday."

May: "Deal." She replies, knowing that if she didn't agree Y/N wasn't going to listen.

She picks up Y/N and slings him over her shoulders, pulling her scroll out as she calls their ship to pick them up.

May: "God am I glad that our ship has an autopilot."

Y/N: "Which I installed."

May: "Shut up." She says before pulling him back and kissing him.

Y/N: "You love me."

May: "Unfortunately."

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Gnawsome1

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now