Ideal Outcome - (Cinder X Male Reader)

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Cinder Fanart By: kimmy77 On Reddit

Requested By: thanos44

Published On: November 18, 2020


Under a cascade of blood were E/C eyes gazing with killing intent, he wasn't going to back down, even if it would kill him. Y/N got up from his knees and with all his might ran up and kicked Ruby, he knew that she wasn't going to last for much longer, all he needed was one good hit and she'll be gone. I could barely keep up with their movements as I continued to bleed out, I was too weak to move as the cold started to invade my body. He was going to break down any second now, he only ran on willpower, he knew he needed to wrap this up quick or else I'll die. No matter how many times Ruby landed a hit on him and damaged him further, he kept fighting, fighting for me.

As Ruby started to slow down Y/N took the lead and swiped her feet out from under her, he caught Crescent Rose and beat Ruby down, thanks to the prior fight it didn't take long to break her Aura. He just continued wailing on her with her own weapon, he didn't care that she was long dead, he kept at it, hit. after. hit...

With a sigh, he finally dropped the weapon, making it imbed itself in Ruby's corpse. I felt like I was going to pass out any second, but before I could fall unconscious he picked me up and ran, running as best as he could in his injured state.

My vision faded as I heard a voice calling out to me...

Y/N: "Cinder!" I heard him call out as I woke up.

I looked around confused, I was in a bedroom, a large and quite nice-looking bedroom. Before I could explore the room any further Y/N came in with a tray, he didn't look injured at all.

Y/N: "I made you some breakfast!" He said with a smile as he put the tray on my lap.

He had made me some pancakes with chocolate, he also added syrup as well. I was just looking at the food, frozen in confusion, what happened? how did we get here?

Y/N: "Still sleepy huh? well, these Pancakes aren't going to eat themselves!" He said as he held a fork in front of my mouth.

I just decided to enjoy the present and ask questions later, I opened my mouth and let him feed me. I just relaxed and enjoyed Y/N telling me about the stuff he saw during his morning walk, soon the pancakes were all gone.

Y/N: "Oh you have a bit of chocolate on your lips, let me get that for ya." He said before leaning in and giving me a kiss.

Before he had a chance to lean back again I curled my legs and arm around him, what started as a simple kiss soon became much more. I flipped us over and took his boxers off, I didn't waste time and impaled myself on his length.

The world around me disappeared as I got caught up in the pleasure, everything was fine and I could just spend as much time with my love as I wanted.

As I was going up and down Y/N started to say my name over and over again, however, he wasn't talking when I looked at his face. Confused I stopped, I was about to ask what was going on when everything around me faded.

Y/N: "Cinder!"

I woke up startled as I saw that I was in a hospital room, Y/N was standing in front of me with a tray.

Y/N: "You were frisky in that dream of yours from the sounds of it, making me jealous with my dream self huh?" He said with a smile as he sat down the tray on my lap.

It was...pancakes with chocolate, he also added...syrup as well.

Cinder: "What happened?" I asked looking at him.

Y/N: "I killed Ruby and got us to this hospital, don't worry we're safe here." He said as he sat down next to me.

When I took a closer look at his face I saw massive scaring running along the left side of his face where it was all bloody previously, he noticed me staring at it and smiled.

Y/N: "It's all good darling, I'm all patched up, I was more worried about you."

Cinder: ""

Y/N: "I got you a cybernetic replacement" He explained as he lifted up the blanket at the bottom revealing my new mechanical lower right leg.

Cinder: "How..."

Y/N: "How did I get one? well I called in a favor with a friend of mine, the one who's running this secret hideout hospital in fact to get you one."

Cinder: "Thank you."

Y/N: "Don't mention it, now open your mouth, these pancakes aren't going to eat themselves." He said as he held up the fork to my mouth.

Cinder: "I can feed myself." I said laughing.

Y/N: "I know, but I enjoy spoiling you rotten."

And so I let him spoil me for the rest of the day...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting thanos44

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