Some Love For The Brawler - (Cheated Yang X Big Brother Male Reader)

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Yang Fanart By: HOSEN-HOSEN-HOCEN On DeviantArt

Requested By: Legogamer45

Published On: November 20, 2021


It's been a relaxing day for Sun Wukong, good things have been on TV all morning and he ordered himself some pizzas as well. He was chilling lazily on the bed, reading through his messages on his scroll. He was interrupted when he heard his doorbell ring, with a sigh he slowly gets up and goes to the door.

When he opened the door he was met with a group of people he certainly didn't expect, Summer, Ruby, and Y/N were all staring at him very intensely.

Sun: "...Uh...Hi guys?" He greets awkwardly.

Y/N: "Hi cunt, we were wondering if we could interest you in a spear up your ass!" He says in a weirdly normal tone till it shifted into a sinister and murderous one.

All three of them force themselves inside and close the door, the monkey Faunus never even getting a chance to respond...


Yang was walking with Y/N to one of their favorite hangout spots on Patch, an old treehouse that they once build together with Summer. She was still a little down about Sun cheating on her with some transfer student slut, but thankfully her family has been there for her, especially Y/N, who wouldn't rest to bring a smile to her face every day.

Yang: "So you said that there would be a surprise when we arrive, what is it?" She asked intrigued.

Y/N: "Well it wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you." He replied making Yang pretend to pout.

Yang was confused when they got there and Y/N didn't immediately race up the stairs to get into the treehouse first, instead, he stood beside the ladder and motioned for her to go first. Slowly she went up the stairs as the suspense enveloped her, her heart nearly stopping when she got up there and saw what Y/N has prepared.

There were candles placed all around, with the table moved to accommodate a picnic blanket, with all her favorite sweets and snacks in a basket next to the window.

Yang looks at Y/N when he got up, he smiled at her before placing a hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: "Yang Xiao Long, we've been on countless adventures throughout our childhood and now during our time at Beacon, you've always been there for me emotionally and physically, always right beside me. In my eyes, you are the best sister anyone could ever have, but in my eyes, you are also the best woman anyone could ever have. I can't keep this locked up inside me anymore, Yang Xiao Long, will you be my girlfriend?" He confesses as he takes her hand in his.

Yang: "I-I...I...Yes, yes I accept." She says as she tears up at his words and hugs him.

The new couple just stays in each other's hold for the next few minutes as they sway from side to side, not wanting to let go. When Y/N is about to say something he gets cut off by Yang kissing him, it was a gentle kiss, one that clearly displayed all the love she had for him.

Yang: "I should've just been with you from the start, you've always been there for me as well, never once letting me go...I hope you can forgive me..."

Y/N: "There is nothing to forgive Yang, it's completely okay that you didn't see it at first, the important thing is that we're together now." He replies as he gives her a peck on the forehead.

A couple of trees over were Ruby and Summer, checking in on the situation with binoculars. Thankfully for them, they weren't visible due to the reducing sunlight, allowing them the perfect vantage point.

Ruby: "Thankfully everything worked out, they're finally together."

Summer: "Our ship is sailing!"

Ruby: "Sure is!" She replies enthusiastically, almost falling off the tree in the process.

Summer: "We better get started on planning the wedding then, it's gonna be even more bombastic than the wedding I planned for Kali back in the day."

Ruby: "How could anyone even beat that?" She asked surprised.

Summer: "When a Rose wants something they'll get it, no matter what..."

And so for the rest of the evening, the new couple watched the sunset and then the stars from the treehouse while cuddled up together, enjoying snacks and kisses. The two Roses watching over them eventually fell asleep in the trees, half of the wedding already planned.


White Fang Grunt: "Uh excuse me, ma'am, you've received a package from a Summer Rose and Y/N L/N."

Base Leader: "From Summer? bring it in now!" She orders, excited for what her old friend had in store for her.

Two grunts shove a large wooden crate inside, stopping once it stood in front of the leader's desk. Her assistant takes a crowbar and forces it open, once the lid falls off they could see a very beaten-up monkey Faunus with no legs and a beaten-up girl in a ripped-up Haven uniform. Both of them looked weakly at the leader, still bleeding a bit from all the wounds covering their bodies.

The base leader crouches down and inspects a tag that was sewed up to Sun's lips, laughing when she read it.

Hey Vanny, take this gift from us as a sign of our appreciation for you and everything you've done for us over the years. These two are disloyal traitorous cunts who deserve to be shown what happens when they mess with the wrong people, I'm sure you and your boys and gals know how to do that. - Love Summer, Y/N

PS: Ruby says hi, and maybe we might be able to meet up in person in a few weeks.

Vanny laughs as she looks down at the two with a sadistic glint in her eyes.

Vanny: "Oh you two fucked up..."

The two's eyes widen in horror as they realize what's about to happen to them, never to see the light of day again...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Legogamer45

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