Wild Child - (Yang X Bloodthirsty Dragon Faunus Male Reader)

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Yang Fanart By: cheesewo On DeviantArt

Requested By: DARKSEID672

Published On: November 6, 2020


Gunfire light up the side of Y/N's Chevy as I move my head inside again before leaning out and returning fire with an assault rifle, as we raced along the coast weaving in and out of corners I light up our pursuers, their windshield got painted red as I light up the driver making the car tumble off the coastal cliff outta control, the screams of the other people in the car could be heard before they struck the ground as I moved on to the other cars with the gunshots lighting up the night.

Yang: "EAT THIS COCKSUCKERS!!!" I scream out as I throw a couple of pipe bombs.

The cars avoided the bomb...well all except one who's front right wheel was blown off making them careen into some rocks on the side of the road, I used the time to reload the rifle.

Yang: "Fuckers are gonna chase us but then die in a bloodbath like all the others, when are they gonna learn?" I ask laughing.

Y/N: "laughs They're never gonna learn, but that just means more blood to spill for us!" He says with his amazing smile as he stomps down on the gas pedal.

Y/N: "Let's up the ante!" He screams out.

Yang: "Those bastards aren't gonna survive for much longer anyway!"

Y/N: "We'll see which claims them first this time, the terrain or your bullets?"

Yang: "My bullets of course, and my cocktails!" I call out as I light some Molotov cocktails and throw them at the foolish bastards.

I manage to strike 2 cars while the others were dumb enough to drive through the fires of the ones that already exploded, it didn't take long for the fire to take care of the 2 cars as the cunts quickly lost control and smashed into each other before smashing into some brick walls, as we moved away I hear the explosions of the two cars.

Yang: "Only two remaining darling! looks like I'll win tonight and you'll be the one eating me out!"

Y/N: "Nope I'm winning" He called out as he took a sharp ride up into the mountain range, the roads got more and more narrow resulting in our pursuers struggling to not fly off the edge.

Y/N: "Watch this!" He calls out as he slams the brakes on.

Before the two cars could even come to a stop Y/N reversed and slammed the armored bumper of his Chevy straight into them, the cars fell off the side.

Y/N: "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR DRIVING LIGHTWEIGHT ATLEASIN IMPORTS YOU PRICKS!!" He calls out from the car down to the burning and crushed wrecks.

Yang: "Nothing beats our Chevy!" I say as I put the gun behind the seat and cuddle up to Y/N's side

Y/N: "Made in Vacuo baby!" He calls out as he does a burn out before driving off towards Beacon.

Y/N and I met 5 years ago, he rescued me from some pervs who had drugged me. After that we stuck together, his lifestyle was right up my alley, we cause destruction and blood baths wherever we go. We married just a couple of months later and went to Mistral for our honeymoon where we played some seek & shoot with the crime cartels. For the past two weeks, we have been in Vale to steal some resources from Torckwick and his helpers, I even pretend to be a huntress at Beacon in order to spy on his helpers which did the exact same thing, surprisingly I was able to become good friends with my team who's previous fourth teammate...had an unfortunate meeting with my knife...

Y/N: "Now we no longer have to stick around just Vale and pretend you are a huntress at Beacon."

Yang: "Still amazed they didn't recognize me from the wanted posters just because I wear some different clothing than usual."

Y/N: "Well the boring Beacon uniform isn't your style, it does your hot bod a huge disservice"

Yang: "Agreed, too 'prime and proper' that's more something for the lame cocksuckers over there"

Y/N: "Remember I'm gonna be at Beacon at 4:03 to pick you up" He says as he stops in front of Junior's.

Yang: "That should be enough time to hammer back a couple of drinks and say goodbye to the only few actual friends I made during my time as a "huntress""

Y/N: "Okay see you later then." He says before kissing me.

We make out for a couple of minutes before I get out to greet my friends who a probably all drunk as fuck already.


I finally got back to the girl dormitories after a long session of saying goodbye at Junior's, it got pretty crazy and now Junior is in need of a new counter. When I walk around the corner I see Y/N leaning against the wall beside my dorm, Y/N smirks, and walks up to me as he sees me flinch out of shock.

Yang: "sighs Godmamit you scared me!" I said with a smile.

Y/N: "Maybe that was my intention, maybe not" He said as he hugged me.

Yang: "How long have you been waiting there?"

Y/N: "Only 5 minutes."

Y/N: "So how did your friends take your news?, not to mention your teammates" He asks before giving me a kiss on the forehead.

Yang: "My teammates were disappointed but understanding...well except for Weiss, my friends took it well as they know I'm a free spirit."

Y/N: "Indeed you are...and I fucking love you for it" He says before kissing me deeply as we started fighting with our tongues for dominance.

Y/N pushed me against the wall, he deeply stares into my eyes before sticking his head underneath my skirt, before I can even react he pulls down my panties and starts eating me out.

Yang: "Ahhhh~" I moan out loudly, probably waking everyone else up.

Y/N: "I'm gonna spend all night showing my love to you~"

But before we can continue we can hear some students going out to investigate the noises, Y/N just quickly looks at me before suddenly picking me up bridal style and running outside to his car. He quickly opens the door and he lays me down on the backseats.

Y/N: "Now with no interruptions remaining let's get back to the main course~" He says with a smirk.

He continues eating me out for several minutes as I cum more times than I can count, just when he took a break he starts licking up all the way from my clit to my tits.

Y/N: "I'm gonna taste every part of you~" He says as he starts sucking on my left tit.

I scream out in pleasure and start pushing him more into my bosom, I clamp my legs around his torso as he used one hand to fondle my other nipple and the other to finger me.

We spend all nights making his Chevy shake, true to his word he tasted every part of me~...

Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting DARKSEID672

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