Haunting Retribution - (Abusive Blake X Male Reader X Kali)

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Kali Fanart By: dorimoge5 On Reddit

Requested By: DarkSoulsDepression

Published On: October 6, 2020


Another day, another batch of successful deals. Blake Belladonna had no problem going to sleep knowing that she spent another day successfully doing deals to steal, smuggle, and sell weapons, not to mention the narcotics, slaves, and murders. She really did complete her childhood dream of taking control and stepping on anyone who dares to try and go against her.

She wrapped the blankets even tighter around herself as the radiator was broken and couldn't fend off the winter cold for her, she'll just have her idiot Y/N repair it for her when he comes back tomorrow.


Blake jumped up when a gunshot rang through the house and several loud bangs as the front door could be heard getting banged down, she quickly got out of her bed and tried to quietly make her way to her office to get Gambol Shroud.



There has been a massive war across Remnant thanks to the white fang, the world has made amazing strides towards equality and finally, both species were living in peace. The white fang however didn't care for peace...but revenge on humanity and the war was only fueled by Jacques Schnee the last big-time racist out there that was still going against the faunus, but even he was no match to Blake Belladonna who through her illegal underground weapon deals, murders, and more helped prolong the war and only make it even bloodier all for her own personal gain of profits and ever-growing control throughout more and more places across Remnant.

I was her boyfriend originally, but she quickly turned into an abusive piece of shit that wouldn't stop hitting me or ordering me to do this, and that, eventually my luck turned around however when I met my now current finance after finishing another round of dirty work for Blake.

Kali Belladonna did not like the ongoing conflict and using her connections and already established allies was growing a group capable of immediately replacing the white fang and helping towards a better future, all that was needed once they were ready was for the major fuelers of the war to perish.

For the last few months, I have pretended to be on Blake's side to give any intel I could get to Kali, and it thankfully paid off.


Typical of ole Taurus, bastard was too lazy to check it out himself when I set off their alarm, I made my way to his tent as all the white fang swarmed to the entrance of the camp.

I loaded my shotgun as Kali's words rung through my head.

Kali: "We are ready now for me and my allies to replace the white fang and establish a new order, you can finally come out and play" She said as she came over and hugged me.

The masked fuck wasn't fast enough and in a matter of seconds his weapon was in pieces before a couple of dodges allowed me to get behind him and with a double blast of my shotgun and a strike at the same time his aura was shattered and a knife rammed down his throat. Before I left the tent I left a surprise and quickly sneaked back to my vantage point.

From my vantage point I could see as all the white fang came running back and entered the tent and before anyone could leave the tent went up in a massive explosion taking the rest of the camp with it.

Next would be a trip to Atlas...


Sneaking across the gates was easy and I quickly found myself climbing up the mansion up to the roof, I quickly located the massive glass window above the main office of the old sot. I just slammed my foot down breaking the glass and hopped down, predictably the alarm went off and I wasted no time smashing my way through the door and towards the end of the hall where the master bedroom was. When I came busting in the old man was cowering in the corner, once he saw me he raised a pistol at me but I just kicked it out of his hand and shot the bastard point blank between the eyes.

The guards tried to shoot me as I jumped through the window, but able they weren't able to land even a single hit on me, by the time the first guards got outside I was already over the gate and out of there.


As I came through the front door Kali immediately hugged me, kissing me all over.

Kali: "I saw your handiwork on the news, quite the number you pulled on them" She said with a smile as we both sat down on the couch.

Kali: "Well now that it's over we can celebrate~" She said as she hugged my waist.

Y/N: "Not yet...there is still something I have to do..."


I brought my shotgun out and blew the lock of the front door off and kicked the door open with enough might to tear it off its hinges. Once I got in I lit a match and dropped it to the ground, as the living room went up in flames I made my way upstairs.

Just as I got to the top of the stairs I saw the cunt trying to sneak across rooms, I fired my shotgun but she dodged it and sprinted into her office. I quickly broke the door down and blocked her shots before throwing the desk at her, she couldn't dodge in time and her foot was stuck making her fall to the ground. She tried getting to Gambol Shroud but I just crushed it with my boot, I took my knife out and struck her until her aura shattered. Now that she was defenseless I picked her up by the throat and slammed her against the wall.

Y/N: "You had a good run, now it's time to end it." I said as she clawed at my arm trying to get out of my grip.

I beat her over the head with my shotgun a couple of times relishing in her screams of agony, once her face was bloodied all over I threw her across the room. She tried to get up but couldn't even move an inch, she looked at me shaking with her dilated pupils, she screamed even louder as I rammed my knife into her arms and legs, at this point I had grown tired of her screams coming from her bruised jaw...so I just broke it.

I forced her head up so she would look directly into my eyes.

Y/N: "Everything you have ever worked for is gone, but don't worry you can start anew in hell"

Kali: "Come on darling, the fire is spreading and the fire department will be here soon." She called as she walked into the room.

I looked in glee as Blake's eyes widened in horror seeing her mother with me, and with that final sight, I smashed her head in with my shotgun and fired straight through her heart.

Y/N: "Let's leave then." I said as I took her hand and together we jumped out of the window before leaving the flaming inferno the house had become.

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting DarkSoulsDepression

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