A Loving Mystery - (Cinder X Male Reader)

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Cinder Fanart By: MechaG11 On DeviantArt

Requested By: tron1982

Published On: November 27, 2020


When I first met her it was at a cafe in Mantle after matching up with her on a dating app, she instantly stole my heart the moment the date started. She is an absolute sweetheart despite having a bit of a dark side. We immediately hit it off and got really close, we got along so well that we even planned three more dates in advance before this one was even over.

Soon dates progressed to hanging out at each other's homes, other people may have said that we are moving too fast but I couldn't disagree more. It may have been only 6 months but we felt like we have known each other for all our lives, I was even going to ask if she wanted to move in with me as I had plenty of leftover space in my house that I wasn't really using.

As winter came and Christmas loomed ever closer strange things started happening around me, it was like somehow everything improved itself around me. One day my car which had an old and very tired engine suddenly had a brand new one in it, the garage was locked and so was the car. As time went on more strange things started happening, a fully decorated Christmas tree appeared in the corner of my living room, my kitchen magically restocked itself, I didn't know how all of this was happening but I sure wasn't complaining.

Today Cinder had come over again, for some reason she was acting very shy and nervous the entire time. She had already been to my place several times so I knew that wasn't it, after some 20 minutes of this I just decided to ask her.

Y/N: "Is something wrong Cinder? you've been really shy the entire time" I asked as I came out of the kitchen and gave her a glass of water.

At first, it looked like she wasn't going to tell me anything but then she suddenly moved over and hugged me.

Cinder: "Look, these past few months have been absolutely amazing and I truly love you with all my heart but...there is something I need to tell you, something I was keeping from you."

Suddenly a bright light covered Cinder, when the light went away she was standing there in a Santa outfit.

Cinder: "I am what you people know as Santa Claus, before you ask I don't know why everyone thinks I'm a fat old man"

Y/N: "S-So that's why all these weird things have been happening recently."

Cinder: "Y-Yea, I saw you were not going to celebrate Christmas as usual so I decided t gift you a tree and cheer you up."

Cinder: "I'm sorry for keeping this from you, I...I just didn't want you to leave me." She said looking sad.

I took Cinder's hands and held them tightly as she looked at me surprised, she really expected me to break it up with her.

Y/N: "I don't care about that, I still love you and if anything this just proves how much of a sweetheart you are, you might be different from everyone else but that isn't a bad thing"

Cinder: "Y-You mean that?" She asked as I wiped her tears away.

Y/N: "Yes I do, after all these months of dating I wanted to ask if you wanted to move in with me"

Cinder: "I would love to, before I can move in with you though I'll have to ask you something."

Y/N: "Whatever it is my answer is yes!" I quickly blurted out.

Cinder looked away shyly as she rubs her shoulder before looking at me with a more serious expression.

Cinder: "I'm immortal and I wanted to ask you...if I can make you immortal as well, I want to be with you for always."

I cupped her cheeks and gave her a gentle kiss, she melted in my embrace. We deeply looked into each other's eyes, she looked worried about my answer.

Y/N: "I don't ever want to be separated from you, I'll gladly walk the plains of existence with you for all eternity."

With tear-filled eyes she lifted her hand and put it over my heart, a bright light moved from her hand to my chest as I felt an energy boost flood over me. Once it was done she looked at me again with the biggest smile I have ever seen her with, we kissed once again.


We were absolutely snowed in, the wind was howling as it moved through the street. Inside Cinder and I were snuggling with some hot cocoa under a blanket, we were about to open our presents.

Y/N: "Who should go first?" I asked as I pulled her onto my lap while she was taking a sip of her cocoa.

Cinder: "I'll go first!" She said picking up her presents for me from the side of the couch.

She gave me three presents.

Cinder: "Now I wasn't sure what to get you as you kept saying you didn't want anything, I hope you'll like them"

Y/N: "That's because I already have you, not to mention all the things you gifted me or repaired for me these past months." I said making her blush.

I unwrapped the present to reveal a red leather jacket, it had some black strikes on the back.

CInder: "Now we can match!"

Y/N: "This is awesome!" I said as I tried it on.

Cinder: "Looks dashing on you~"

Y/N: "On me or of me?" I asked with a smirk.

Cinder: "Both"

She handed me two more presents.

the first was a black box that had two sets of glasses inside, one was regular glasses the other sunglasses.

Y/N: "Wait are these?"

Cinder: "Yep they are already fine-tuned to suit your eyes."

Y/N: "Sweet! your powers are really convenient"

Cinder: "Sure are"

The second present was a box filled with bound together stacks of tickets, they were all custom made for all sorts of purposes saying things like 'Get a massage for free' or 'A good time in bed~'

Y/N: "I think I'll use this ticket right now"

Cinder: "Good choice~" She replied as she took the ticket and stuffed it in between her breasts.

Soon our clothes were forgotten on the ground as the blanket was the only thing covering us, hopefully, the couch was going to hold together.

It truly is the best Christmas ever...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting tron1982

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