Warming My Heart - (Caring Nora X Depressed Male Reader)

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Nora Fanart By: fkim90 On DeviantArt

Requested By: Bat117

Published On: November 29, 2020


Rain was pelting down on me as I was sitting outside Beacon in the middle of a storm, I was crying, my heart felt like it was broken, like I was going to throw up any moment. They are right, I have no chance with her, she's so good while I'm just a failure...

The day had started so well, today was the first day of two free weeks as Beacon's classrooms are getting reworked, that however wasn't the best thing, today I was finally going to confess to my longtime crush Nora Valkyrie. However, in the cafeteria, I ran into Team CRDL and they somehow had found out about my crush on Nora, they beat me up again and told me that Nora would never date somebody like me, I tried to ignore their words but deep down I knew they were right, as soon as I got a chance I ran away, now I was just sitting here like the pathetic misfit I am.

At this point, I couldn't feel the rain hitting me anymore as my hearing slowly faded out. My eyes began to close as I was about to slump over when I suddenly felt someone grabbing me before I hit the ground. I looked up and saw none other than Nora who looked more concerned than I had ever seen in all these years.

Nora: "Y/N! finally I found you, why are you out here, you're gonna get sick!" She says as she helps me lean upright against the lamp post.

Y/N: "Don't worry about me, you should worry about yourself getting sick." I replied with a sore throat.

Nora: "Of course I'm going to care, you are soo important to me, you are irreplaceable!" She cried out as she knelt down and checked up on me until she looks down when she steps into a puddle, it was my blood from my slit wrist.

Nora: "Y/N..." She said shakily as tears started to fall from her eyes.

Y/N: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you"

Nora: "I heard what they said and they are wrong! you are good enough for me! I love you Y/N!" She screamed out.

Y/N: "I love you too" I said as I was about to pass out.

Before I could pass out, however, I felt a sudden shift, when I forced my eyes open I saw that Nora was carrying me bridal style and running to Beacon's entrance.

Nora: "Hang on Y/N, I'm not letting you die, especially not after we finally confessed to each other."

I wanted to respond but I felt too weak and finally passed out...


I woke up to the sound of crying, someone was clutching my left arm. I looked to my side and saw Nora, once she spotted that I was awake she practically jumped onto me. She hugged me tightly as she continued to cry into my shoulder.

Y/N: "What happened?"

Nora: "We are in your dorm, I brought you to the infirmary and they stitched your wrist together, you're going to be fine but you need to rest for a week or two, you almost died of hyperthermia as well"

Y/N: "I'm sorry...I-"

Nora: "Don't apologize, I understand that sometimes life can be hard and that doing this made sense to you at the time, just promise me that from now on you won't hide your feelings and that when something is wrong you come to me."

Y/N: "I promise"

Nora: "Good, I asked Ozpin and he allowed me to skip classes until you are better, so be prepared to have your girlfriend nurse you back to health!"

Y/N: "I'm sorry that I didn't confess sooner, I was afraid you would reject me" I say as I held her hands.

Nora: "It's okay, I was also afraid of rejection and didn't say anything as a result." She answered as she cuddled up to me.

And so we spend the rest of the evening together as Nora made sure I never had to leave my bed, we watched movies and TV together, she cooked for me, and she even read some of my favorite books out to me. We both fell asleep cuddled together, I never before felt so loved.


I woke up when I felt someone caressing my chest, when I opened my eyes I saw Nora staring at me lovingly.

Nora: "Hey honey" She says as she leans down and kisses me.

Y/N: "H-Hey..." I respond shyly still not used to all this amazing affection.

Nora: "No need to be shy, we're together now like we always dreamed"

Y/N: "I know, I'm just not used to all this affection."

Nora: "Well I'm going to show you all the affection, I will show you how much you mean to me" She says with a smile as she starts undressing.

Y/N: "A-Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked hesitantly

Nora: "I have been dreaming of it for a long time now, I know I'll be spending the rest of my life with you and I want to give my entire being to you" She says lovingly as she is now naked.

We started to make out, first slowly then more and more passionately. Soon I was naked as well and Nora started riding me, it wasn't fast or intense sex but rather slow and passionate, a way for us to express our devotion to each other without words.

Nora: "I love you Y/N~" She whispered into my ear in between moans.

Y/N: "I love you two, I'm so glad we are finally together."

Nora: "Ahhh me two~"

For hours we made the bed rock back and forth, by the end of it we were both covered in hickeys...

Nora cuddled up to me, she looked like she was about to fall asleep but was still giving me kisses on my neck, I pull her deeper into my embrace and we both fell asleep.

Never did I think that me almost dying would make my dream come true...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Bat117

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