My Valentine - (Female Sun X Male Reader)

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Sun Fanart By: Fatima Ahmed On Pinterest

Requested By: tron1982

Published On: January 18, 2021


My Team members looked at me in confusion as I rushed all around the dorm, Yang suddenly stopped me when I was rushing past her.

Yang: "Easy there tiger, what's got you so riled up in the morning?"

Y/N: "It's valentine and I want to surprise Stella when she wakes up!"

RWBY: "Aww!"

Y/N: "Stella usually sleeps until 7:00 so I have to finish and get down to the shop before then."

Weiss: "What are you planning?"

Y/N: "Roses, a cake, a card, a reservation at a restaurant for the evening, and this guitar that I painted for her."

Blake: "That's...a lot..." She said shocked.

Y/N: "Unfortunately yesterday I was kept busy by a lot of things and so I was only able to pain the guitar" I explain as I show the guitar to them.

Yang: "I didn't know Stella played guitar"

Y/N: "She doesn't, or at least not yet. She loves when I play the guitar for her and she asked me to teach her, just thinking about her smile whenever she learns something new makes my heart soar" I say blushing.

Weiss: "I could help you with the cake" She offered with a smile.

Y/N: "REALLY!?!? OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU" I say as I hug her, lifting her off the ground.

Weiss: "giggles No problem bro" She said patting me on the head.

Making a cake didn't turn out to be that simple...

The kitchen after an hour and a half was an absolute mess, but at least we both stood there triumphantly with a stunning chocolate cake, it has 'Happy Valentine to my lovely Stella' written on the top.

Y/N: "Oh! I need to set off now if I want to get there before Stella wakes" I say as I pack everything up after looking at the clock.

Weiss: "Have fun Y/N"

Y/N: "Will do, thanks for the help Weiss!"

After a ten minute drive in my lovely GTO that Stella had restored for me, I arrived at her repair shop. When I entered the shop I saw the usual mess, tools and devices strewn around her current fixer-upper. I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw Stella peacefully sleeping on the couch in the most bizarre position, I unpacked the cake and sliced a piece for her before I walk over to her.

Y/N: "Wakey, wakey dear" I whisper as I stroke her cheek.

Slowly but surely she woke up, after a cute yawn she finally opens her beautiful eyes.

Y/N: "Happy Valentine's day my dear!" I said as I kissed her and then gave her the plate.

Stella: "Oh thank you, you're the best!"

She hugs me tightly and gives me a fierce kiss on the lips.

Y/N: "Weiss helped me with the cake, it took us a bit to finally get it correct but here it is"

Stella: "Oh this tastes fantastic!" She said with her mouth full.

Y/N: "laughs Good to hear, but that isn't all!" I say as I get the rest.

Stella almost dropped the plate in shock when I gave her the rest, I put one of the roses in her hair making her blush. When she reads the card she starts to cry and holds her hand over her mouth.

Stella: "You're too good for me, I don't know what I did to deserve this"

Y/N: "Of course you deserve love and you got me by being yourself" I said as I booped her on the nose.

I watched with anticipation as she slowly starts to unpack the guitar, when she figures out what it is she squeals and rips the rest of the wrapping in one second.

Y/N: "I painted it myself, wanted you to have something a bit more personal"

Stella: "This is ama-"

Y/N: "AND...a reservation at our favorite restaurant..."

Stella: "Okay that's it, you come here, momma has some loving to do!"

Needless to say, it got pretty wild for the rest of the day...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting tron1982

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now