Shining Future - (Summer X Male Reader)

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Summer Fanart By: Squira130 On DeviantArt

Requested By: ShaneEe358

Published On: October 13, 2020


Becoming a teacher at Beacon after Tai cheated on me with Raven is the best decision I ever made, it's where I met my boyfriend Y/N. At first, I was terrified how this entire single mom thing was going to affect Ruby and I also knew I couldn't leave for missions or anything as Ruby is still too young and Qrow has been on missions all the way over at Vacuo so he couldn't babysit, I was lucky that Ozpin was willing to give me a position as a teacher at Beacon, he still even was okay with it after I asked him if I could become a class-only teacher never to go out and shadow any of the students on missions.

It was my second week when I first met Y/N as I ran into him in the hall as I was bringing paperwork to Ozpin, the moment I first set sight on his lovely face and heard his honey-sweet voice I was in love, and he clearly felt the same as he asked me out on a date in the teacher's breakroom a couple of days later. One date turned into two and then four, I loved him with all my heart but I was terrified if he was going to think of me differently and leave when he finds out I have a child, thankfully my fears were melted into nothing when he surprised me with a visit at the weekend where I opened the door with Ruby in my arms, his expression when he saw Ruby was one I will never forget.

He quickly fell in love with Ruby and would often ask me if he could hold her, he often says its the Rose charm that made him instantly be taken by Ruby's cuteness.

I only fall deeper into the rabbit hole that is love every time I see him playing with Ruby or just holding her, he is a natural father.

Now I was just baking some cookies when Y/N came rushing into the kitchen, he couldn't keep still in his excitement.

Y/N: "Darling!! Ruby spoke her first words!!" He cried out making me almost drop the cookie mix in shock.

Summer: "She did!?!" I said as I turned around and looked at Ruby who was smiling brightly as always.

Ruby: "Dada...Dada and Mama!"

I couldn't contain my tears of happiness and neither could Y/N, I hugged both Y/N and Ruby being careful not to get any flour or cake mix on them.

Y/N: "I never thought she would see me as her father!" He said in between sobs.

Summer: "Of course she would, she never got to know Tai and have been the most amazing dad ever!" I said as we separated and I stared into his E/C eyes.

Summer: "One moment!" I called out as I quickly made my way upstairs and got something out of a box from under the bed and ran back downstairs to the kitchen.

Summer: "I wanted to do this at a very special moment but after what just happened I can't wait any longer, Y/N L/N will you marry me?" I said as I went down to one knee holding the ring I had bought months ago.

Y/N: "Yes...YES!! Of course I will!" He called out crying even more now.

I tightly hugged him again and put the ring on his finger.

There is a clear shining future in sight for us, for the Rose family...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting ShaneEe358

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now