Love Over Circuitry - (Fem JNPR X Male Reader)

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Pyrrha & Nora Fanart By: ridculousbooby On Tumblr

Requested By: Gnawsome1

Published On: May 4, 2021


People...are complicated, they often times do things that make no sense, steered by emotion. People...are cruel, Y/N L/N would know about that all too well. His entire time at Beacon university has been awful, never once ceasing to attack every part of him.

There are only four people in Beacon who treat Y/N nicely, a group of four dormmates. Pyrrha Nikos, Julia Arc, Nora Valkyrie, and Layla Renata, but she just prefers to go by her last name. These four women have been friends with Y/N since they arrived, they came to the uni at the same time as Y/N, Y/N's easy-going and friendly nature is what made them walk up to him during their early days where all these new faces around them were less than reassuring.

They were saddened as they watched Y/N give up on all other people aside from them, seeing them as nothing but objects to get around. He turned from people to tech instead, his hobby of tinkering with tech not capable of hurting him.

The girls held a secret from Y/N, they had actually developed a crush on him, they wanted to share him, but after how Y/N started turning away from people they've been afraid of being rejected, thinking that Y/N might be too afraid to enter a relationship with anyone, even if it's with people he's known for a while now.


The holidays had started and we were now looking for Y/N, he had once again gone off somewhere, probably to work on some tech. We've been looking for a while now, the girls and I wanted to ask if he wanted to hang out with us as we wanted to go for a few days to the beach and wanted to have him come along as we bought all the stuff we'll need for the trip. If he does agree we were gonna put our plan into motion and confess to him finally, the beach with no one else from Beacon there would provide a perfect opportunity for Y/N to relax a bit and let us show him how much he means to us.

Now we were walking back to the dorms to see if he had come back while we were gone, as we get to his dorm we see that the door is cracked open.

Julia: "Seems like he's back." She said before knocking on the door making it move slightly.

After we didn't get an answer we just decide to step inside, we were taken back by the walls of monitors and devices that create walkways of their own, all of it going up to the ceiling. Amazed by all of this we slowly make our way through it, it was quite tight and we had to be careful to not bump into anything.

Suddenly as we pass through, one of the speakers comes to life, crackling as it played a couple of sounds before a voice came through.

Speaker: "You are not Y/N." It said in a clearly robotic voice.

Nora: "No...we're not." She said weirded out.

Suddenly we see Y/N coming around the wall of devices as he shoves a bunch of boxes into view, I cough making him look up surprised.

Y/N: "Oh...uh Hi, I forgot to close the door from carrying all of this." He said absentmindedly as he rummaged through all kinds of electronic parts in multiple boxes.

Renata: "Hi Y/N, we were planning to go to the beach and wanted to know if you would join us."

Y/N: "The beach?" He asked perplexed as he stops and looks at us.

Nora: "Yeah, we're gonna go to Aperture Beach so it's far enough for nobody at Beacon to be there."

Pyrrha: "We plan to stay there for multiple days and head out right now to get everything we need."

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now