Recused & Loved - (Depressed & Suicidal Weiss X Caring Male Reader)

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Weiss Fanart By: Mojojoj On Reddit

Requested By: Just__Forgotten

Published On: May 18, 2021


With a jerk and a scared gasp, Weiss Schnee woke up, confused she looked around as she was in a bed and room she had never seen before. She was even more freaked out when she saw a bunch of maids standing in the room, all looking at her expectantly. They weren't wearing the usual kind of maid outfit you see everywhere, they wearing suits with skirts, it looked like a hybrid between Atlesian and Vacuan fashion with each of the maids having a slight difference in their outfit.

That's when it suddenly comes back to her, her getting kicked out and being alone on the streets in the middle of a storm. Her injuries and how a man came and helped her, or at least tried to before she passed out.

As she moved a bit she noticed how surprisingly clean she felt, as she looks under the blankets she sees that she has fresh clothes on. One of the maids notices Weiss's confusion and decides to speak, hoping to not freak her out.

Maid: "I hope you don't mind but I redressed you as your old clothes were dirty, torn, and wet."

Weiss: "I-I don't mind, thank you."

Maid: "No need to thank us, we just want to see you all healthy." She said with a smile.

As Weiss looks over to the side she could see the torn maid outfit she was wearing previously on a cabinet on the side.

The door opens as the man that tried to help Weiss steps inside, he speaks with the maids for a moment before they leave. He slowly walks over and sits at the end of the bed, he looks at her and gives her a smile.

Y/N: "I'm Y/N L/N, you're Weiss Schnee right?" He asks in a gentle tone.

Weiss: "Y-Yeah..." She answers hesitantly.

Y/N: "So what happened? why were you just sitting in an alleyway during a storm?"

Weiss: "I was kicked out by Winter, she didn't want me as a maid anymore."

Y/N: "Your own fucking sist-"

Weiss: "She's not my sister..." She looks away as her hands fidgeted.

Y/N: "What?"

Weiss: "She married into the family, she married my older brother and took the Schnee name."

Y/N: "I see."

Weiss: "Even back then she didn't hide the fact that she didn't like me, aside from my brother, from him she would always hide it."

Y/N: "What about your parents?"

Weiss: "I never got to know my father, he just left my mom after having sex with her. My mom passed away when I was younger, she was pregnant and the baby was lost as well."

Y/N: "I'm sorry..." He said as he hugged her.

Weiss: "After that, I was left in the care of my older brother Wilton, everything was fine till he met Winter."

Weiss curls up looking afraid, she hugs her legs tightly.

Weiss: "That bitch just used him, she was only in it for the name and the money. I wanted to tell him, but I didn't want to potentially cause an argument between us, I didn't have any evidence after all"

Y/N: "Well I could help you, we could tell him together!" He said confidently.

Weiss: "He...passed away a few years ago, but that bitch didn't care, she just inherited all his stuff."

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