Bloodbound - (Blake X Demon Servant Male Reader)

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Blake Fanart By: Koyorin On DeviantArt

Requested By: Shadowbullet117

Published On: September 17, 2020


I didn't think something like this would ever happen to me when I found a strange book and while reading it I accidentally gave myself a paper cut.

Blake: "W-Who are you?" I asked surprised as the man just smiled at me.

Y/N: "I'm your servant Mistress!" He said enthusiastically.

Blake: "M-Mistress?" I asked blushing.

Y/N: "I'm here to serve you after you summoned me and bound me to you by blood."

Blake: "Bound by blood?" I cried out shocked.

Y/N: "Yes Mistress, bound by blood, I shall forever be your demon servant."

Blake: "And you'll follow any of my orders? even if it would be dangerous?" I asked curiously.

Y/N: "Yes Mistress, I would do anything for you even if it would kill me." He said as he summoned a dagger and ripped deeply into his arm.

Blake: "W-What are you doing?!?"

Y/N: "I-I'll follow your o-orders Mistress, no matter what it takes and I'm willing to do it even if it hurts me" He said clearly in pain from his wound.

Before I could say anything the wound slowly regenerated back as if nothing ever happened.

This is going to be interesting...and going to take a long time to explain to everyone...


My life has been very interesting after Y/N entered it, he is always around me and helping me in every way possible regardless if I asked for it or not, he would carry things for me, clean things, make people back up from me if they were annoying me like some pricks who kept flirting with me despite my refusal to go out with them. He would follow any and all orders I give him and from only me, he is the sweetest and most thoughtful person I have ever met.

But every time I have been on a mission with my team Y/N has always fought all the Grimm for me using his powers, never once letting me get even a single strike in. I was getting more and more fed up with it, why can't he realize that I can take care of myself?

Blake: "I can handle my own in fights Y/N!" I cried getting progressively more annoyed.

Y/N: "But it's my job to make your life as easy and effortless as I can"

Blake: "I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF" I shouted having enough.

Y/N: "Bu-"

Blake: "JUST GET OUT OF HERE!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs His eyes widened in shock before looking down in defeat.

Y/N: "As you wish" He muttered before dissolving leaving me alone in the dorm.


I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't do anything without thinking about what I said to Y/N and having regret wash over me. Y/N has not come back since our argument, I have tried to bring him back by calling his name or looking into the book or even bleeding on it, none of it has worked and now I have possibly lost my love forever. The others say that he will return eventually but it's already been 2 weeks and my hope has run out, I just want to make things right and tell him my feelings.


My team and I have been sent on a Grimm extermination mission, it turned out there were a lot more Grimm than we expected and they also turned out to be incredibly aggressive... I was thrown to the ground and when I stared up I saw the Grimm about to strike me down, I closed my eyes and waited for the pain to consume me but it never came. When I opened my eyes I saw Y/N and the Grimm impale him with its claws, everyone stared in shock as Y/N stumbled forward ready to collapse before suddenly summoning his sword and taking the Grimm down with one strike and using his powers to take all the remaining Grimms down at once. After the Grimm were defeated he collapsed to his knees panting, I quickly went over to him to see if he is alright.

Blake: "Y/N! Are you alright, I'm so sorry I-"

Y/N: "I'm alright Blake, thankfully a demon such as myself isn't capable of dying from something like that, instead I'll just heal up the damage." He said panting before falling backward into my lap.

Y/N: "But getting impaled like that still hurts just as bad, regenerating from the damage takes a lot out of me." He explained before fainting.


Y/N: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" He cried as he came into the living room with a cake.

Blake: "Oh thank you darling"

Y/N: "Anything for my darling writer" He said as put the cake down on the table in front of me.

Since our reunion, Y/N and I have entered a relationship, gotten married, bought a house together and I have also started a writing career, one which Y/N heavily supports, a lot of people seem to like my books and they became best sellers quickly.

I made a wish and blew the candles out.

Blake: "I already have everything I want, but I guess wishing some more couldn't hurt" I said with a smile.

Y/N: "I also got you a present!" He said as he took it out from behind him.

Blake: "You're too good to me"

I opened it and inside the box were paintings most of them were of just me but some were also recreations of moments from our honeymoon.

Y/N: "Do you like them?"

Blake: "Yes I do, they are you" I said as I hugged him tightly

We spend the rest of the day relaxing in each other's arms...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Shadowbullet117

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