Like The Wind - (Abused Ruby X Male Reader)

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Ruby Fanart By: VAP1draws On DeviantArt

Requested By: Legogamer45

Published On: October 2, 2021


Exhausted I run through the streets, panting as I carried my only bag with me. The light of the shattered moon was the only thing that lit up my path as my boots made heavy splashes through countless rain puddles, the sound reverberating through the streets. My heart feeling constricted by my exhaustion, the fear of something new happening, and lastly the excitement of knowing that now my life was REALLY beginning...

I almost fall over as I skit on the wet ground, stopping when I see him...

He sat on the railing, facing the rest of the city below as the moonlight illuminated his handsome features. I rub my tears of happiness away as I watch him, his smile as he sang throwing my heart into overdrive. The wind moves his beautiful H/C hair back and forth, his eyes shining as his voice soothed my heart...

Made for each other, we knew it from the very start.

Hand in hand we'll walk through the greatest years of our lives.

When the angels shine, they cast us in a golden light.

Forever you'll always be keeping a sacred place in my heart

I could still remember when his hand entered my vision for the first time, helping me up from the ground after my sister had shoved me down and left. The genuine concern for me in his eyes, something that at the time I was so unfamiliar with, yet something he made sure I grew accustomed to.

That was just the start of the many days he would whisk me away from my worries, making my heart and mind feel secure and happy. He allowed me to spill my pain and worries, something I couldn't do to anyone else.

Follow me with your dreams, reach for me the skies, oh come fly with me!

Follow me with your dreams, we'll touch the stars, oh come fly!

After finding out what I was going through he started to work his ass off so that we could both run away together as soon as possible, all of that for a broken woman that he didn't even know for that long or was in a relationship with...

Like the wind, feel my heart

From the heaves to afar

Always be there for you

Can't you hear me when I sing?

Like the wind, feel my heart

From the heavens to afar

Always be there for you

Don't you feel the love I bring?

He stood up for me and showed my bullies what he was made of, even once sogging my sister in the face and getting into serious trouble for it. Not being used to all the care and kindness he was giving me, I couldn't understand my feelings at first, but when the realization hit me...that I didn't just like him...but loved changed everything...

Come be my lover, and stay with me till the end of time.

Hearing your heartbeat in a rhythm always next to mine and forever, I know that you are always there.

The seasons may come and go, and together we will be till the end.

With him around and us now in a relationship I started being daring for the first time in my life, initiating the embraces and kisses, throwing all my love at him. He isn't ashamed to walk with me around in public, to hug me, to kiss him, to show the entire world that we are together.

We still hid it from my family though as we wanted to make sure that no one would try to thwart our plan to run away, which made me resent Yang, even more, every time she was within sight at school.

Follow me with your dreams, reach for me the skies, oh come fly with me!

Follow me with your dreams, we'll touch the stars, oh come fly!

I'll never forget the shine in his eyes when I presented him with the rings I had crafted for us, his mind trying to come up with something to say. Giddy and blushing I slid the ring on his finger and hugged him, clutching him tighter than ever before.

He knew that I was in the wood-crafting class, something especially noteworthy as the teacher in that class was the only nice thing to look forward to at Beacon. Ms. Peach helped me craft the rings, letting me stay at the class for extra-long, etc.

Like the wind, feel my heart

From the heaves to afar

Always be there for you

Can't you hear me when I sing?

Like the wind, feel my heart

From the heavens to afar

Always be there for you

Don't you feel the love I bring?

This last week my heart has been constantly in a blissful state, none of the hate from my family or bullies was able to weaken it. My thoughts were all on Y/N telling me that with this week's paycheck we'll be able to leave all of this behind, ready to start our united life for real.

I didn't get to leave my family quietly as I planned, they took note when I tried to leave. Ignoring their explosive reaction I just ran away, knowing that they wouldn't pursue me as they expected me to come crawling back...but not this time...never again...

Like the wind, feel my heart

From the heaves to afar

Always be there for you

Can't you hear me when I sing?

Like the wind, feel my heart

From the heavens to afar

Always be there for you

Don't you feel the love I bring?

He finished the song gracefully as he took out his keyfob and pressed the button to unlock the doors of his car, the Capri responding with a flash of its lights and a clicking noise.

Y/N: "I knew you could do it darling" He says as he turns around with a smile and dropped down from the railing.

I couldn't help myself and just ran up to him, wrapping him into a tight hug. He hugged back and swayed us back and forth slightly, moving his hands through my hair slowly. I pulled him closer by his jacket and kissed him tightly, our rings clicking together.

Y/N: "Are you ready Ms. L/N?" He asked as we separated.

Ruby: "Yes I am"

I was ready to start my life properly, to live, laugh, and cry, at the side of my husband...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Legogamer45

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now