One Last Time - (Team RWBY X Soldier Male Reader)

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Ruby Fanart By: anonamos701 On DeviantArt

Requested By: Ashsatoketchum118

Published On: November 25, 2020


The wind was throwing leaves around, the sky was filled with dark grey clouds promising rain. Nobody was talking as the general walked up to the front, the souls of the people colder than the autumn air.

General: "I want to thank everyone for coming here today, I know that some of you had to travel here from far away. Whether you knew him for years or just a couple of months, Y/N L/N had an impact on you and your life. He always stood with his head high and his determination higher, it was this that made him an amazing soldier. He always fought for the kingdom of Vale and for its people, winning countless battles, changing the course of the war, and at last, providing us with victory, unfortunately, he didn't live to see us now, free, free of the terror that Atlas spread, so let us take this chance at freedom he has given us and use it" He said as he struggled to hold his emotions in.

The General was about to walk off to the side when he quickly turned for some final words.

General: "May he rest in peace and live on in our hearts" He said before stepping off to the side and joining some other war allies that Y/N had made.

There was a long silence as everyone waited for someone else to walk in front and have some final words, after a few minutes of waiting Weiss stepped forward.

Weiss: "Y/N wasn't just an amazing soldier, he was our friend, our brother, and our loved one. My team and I could have never imagined that we'll be so lucky, so lucky as to have such an angel of a man come into our lives and love us. He was always selfless and only had the best interests of other people in mind, so much so that he would sometimes forget about himself. I...I'll never forget his smile, it always warmed our days. I hope you rest well up there Y/N, you're an angel now" She said with a wavering voice, she had started crying halfway through her speech.

It had taken everything out of Weiss to be able to give that speech and not break down, she knew that the others weren't in any condition to do so. Everyone went up to the coffin for one final goodbye to their dear old friend, they had cleaned him up nicely, he was wearing his old dark blue suit. His sister Nora couldn't hold herself together and quickly stormed off in tears after saying her goodbye, Ren went after her for support. At last, Team RWBY walked up to the coffin, they were just standing there shoulder to shoulder, they didn't have any words left anymore, their hearts felt empty. It was bittersweet to see him in his dark blue suit, it brought up a bunch of happy memories like going to the dance back at Beacon, memories that only hurt them more. They took one final look at his face, taking in all his features, afraid they'll forget if they didn't get one last look. Slowly they walked off to the side as soldiers closed the coffin and lowered it into the hole, as the coffin sunk into the hole so did their hearts. Slowly the coffin was covered and the hole was filled as the soldiers shoveled the dirt in, finally, the gravestone was placed.

But even after their final goodbye, it took all the people quite some time to leave. One by one they left, leaving with haunted minds and scarred hearts. Soon only Team RWBY was left who after a few more minutes also decided to leave, as they walked away Yang noticed that Ruby hasn't moved.

Yang: "R-Ruby?...a-are you coming?" She asked as she shook from the emotional distress.

Ruby: "J-Just five more minutes, I'll just meet up at the car." She replied not looking away from the gravestone.

As Yang left only more tears fell from Ruby's eyes, a tornado of emotions and thoughts were running through her mind, it was too much to understand, too much for her heart to take. She hadn't told anyone, she was going to surprise him and with him everyone else when he came back. She...she was pregnant, a child that...would never meet their father.

She kissed the gravestone and with one final look, she turned around to join the others...


It was around midnight as Ruby sat in the bedroom, the lights were out as only some light from outside came through the windows. Laughter could be heard from outside as she just sat there never moving, she was somewhere else.

Shortly after the funeral Weiss had died in a car crash, she died on impact. The media didn't even treat her passing with respect, it was just a way for them to gain views.

Blake killed herself, Yang just found her one morning hanging from the ceiling. When Yang found her she had already been dead for hours, she was buried next to Y/N and Weiss.

Yang drank herself to death, every club and bar in Vale became a second home to her. Got kicked out by every one of them, she would always just look for another one.

Ruby collapsed on the floor, she wasn't concerned with her current situation. Her mind was with Y/N, where he was.

And as Ruby laid on the floor passing away from her heart attack she was only thinking of Y/N, of the others, how they are all waiting for her.

At the thought of joining them, she smiled one final time before she went limp...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Ashsatoketchum118

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now