Listen To Me - (Glynda X Male Reader X Yang)

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Glynda Fanart By: drill5mm On DeviantArt

Requested By: Nobody (I just wrote this one)

Published On: September 1, 2020


Y/N: "Glynda I'm telling the truth! please just believe me!" He cried out frustrated.

Y/N was once again telling me that I should inform Ozpin to start an official investigation with the rest of the staff regarding the Haven transfer students that recently arrived for the Vytal Festival, he thinks they aren't real students and are here for something else.

Glynda: "How about instead of telling me this nonsense again, you'll go and focus on your work."

Y/N: "I do focus on my work an-"

Glynda: "All the missions you have gone on lately have resulted in you getting injured, clearly you aren't focusing on what really matters here!" I said getting more and more fed up.

Y/N: "That's just how I do as my wife should know that! besides those were only small injuries."

Glynda: "Just drop it! I don't know what you have against those students from Haven but I'm not investigating this"

Y/N: "You honestly think I'm doing this because of a grudge?" He asked wide-eyed.

Glynda: "sighs You are still the same troublemaker you were back then." I shouted out without thinking about what I said.

Y/N: "So that's how you think of still the same thief who had to lie and cheat back then to survive, at least Yang doesn't see me like that." He said before walking out.

Glynda: "Y/N wait! I didn-" I tried to say before he cut me off.

Y/N: "'s okay, I won't bother you anymore." He said before leaving.


I haven't seen Y/N since he left this morning, he didn't answer his scroll and nobody has seen him, now Yang and I were waiting in our dorm for Y/N to come back.

Yang: "Don't worry Glynda, Y/N will come back soon enough...he probably just needs some time" She said trying to comfort me.

Glynda: "I still shouldn't have said that" I said still angry at myself for my outburst.

Yang: "When he comes back you can tell him that you finally informed Ozpin and they are investigating those Haven students, besides this is Y/N we are talking about...he will understand"

Glynda: "I-I guess"

Yang was about to reply when there was a sudden loud bang against our dorm, when Yang opened the door Y/N fell in...bruised and bloody.

Yang: "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!?" She cried out as she helped Y/N up with me.

Y/N: "I-It was the H-Haven students, I-I found their real r-reason to be here" He said before passing out.

Yang: "You stay with him and I'll get help!" She said before quickly running out of the dorm while calling the medic on her scroll.



I finally woke up in my bed after passing out, I felt somebody playing with my hair and I opened my eyes I saw it was Glynda while Yang was sleeping beside me.

Glynda: "Y/N! oh, thank goodness you were starting to worry me" She cried out as she hugged me tightly. I just hugged her back and relaxed in her hold.

Glynda: "I-I'm sorry for not listening to you, you were right...those three were trouble and worked for Salem." She said sadly.

Y/N: "It's okay"

Glynda: "No it isn't! if I wouldn't have been put in this situation."

Y/N: "It is alright, I forgive you, I understand that I'm kind of a trouble my word wouldn't be seen as the most reliable."

Glynda: "No, you are just doing things in your way, and I wouldn't have it any other way...I'm sorry for what I said."

Y/N: "Like I said...I forgive you, and don't blame yourself for what happened."

Yang: "Glad to see you both happy again" She said making us both look over surprised.

Yang: "What?... I was awake during that entire conversation, now how about we just spend our free day in bed relaxing?" She said looking at us with a smile.

Y/N: "Sounds good to me, what about you Glynda?"

Glynda: "Count me in" She replied as she cuddled up to me.

AN: Hope you enjoyed this one

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now