Regrets - (Penny X Male Reader)

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Penny Fanart By: MisaKarin On Reddit

Requested By: tron1982

Published On: November 28, 2020


Penny was sitting in RWBY's dorm listening to Yang talk about her many fights at different bars, while the blonde was rambling on Penny was in a world of her own.

The blonde bombshell would be seen as innocent by most people except for when she engages Grimm and turns into a deadly huntress, Penny had a different outlook, all she saw was a dirty traitor, a traitor she needed to get rid off.

Penny had been waiting for the signal for 15 minutes now, she was getting tired of Yang's rambling, she was just about to interrupt Yang when the door was broken open as the bloodied corpse of Ruby fell onto the ground.

Yang: "RUBY!!" She quickly ran over to her sister checking her pulse, when she didn't find one she broke down crying.

Y/N: "It's time darling~" He said smiling as he came through the door.

Penny: "Affirmative!" She replied.

Yang: "Wha-" But before she could react she was stabbed through the heart from behind as Penny had rammed her arm straight through her.

Y/N: "I took care of the other two as well, now we can finally get to our vacation" He said as they hugged before leaving the room.

As the two left Yang laid on the ground, bleeding out, she stretched her arm out wanting to scream for help, as her eyes slowly closed for the last time she felt regrets for her actions. Regret for cheating on Y/N, for killing him in their final argument, and then ditching his body after enlisting the help of her team.

The blonde couldn't have known that a certain android would come to Y/N's rescue, allowing him to have his revenge after all...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting tron1982

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now