Born To Seduce~ - (RWBY X Playboy Male Reader X Team PVNC)

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Team RWBY Fanart By: 舞 On Pixiv

Requested By: MyNeighborYuki

Published On: October 9, 2020


There was a new student at Beacon who had transferred over from Vacuo and he was getting swooned over by all the women at Beacon, every girl was talking about him to the point where gossip and speculation about him couldn't be avoided.

When Team RWBY first set their sights on Y/N as he was with his friends to get some food they were lovestruck at the first moment.

Yang: "Ohhh I want him to ravage me for 50 hours straight..." She said with her hand going down below...

Weiss: "Hmm I just want him to get in between my thighs and eat me out~" She said drooling.

Blake: "Ninjas of love can finally become a reality!" She said, tightly holding onto the table and almost breaking it.

Ruby: "I want him to break me over his cock!" She said holding a hand over her chest.

But Team RWBY weren't the only ones who were lovestruck by their first glance at Y/N...

Coco: "Mama likes~" She said dropping her sunglasses.

Pyrrha: "I want his children..." She said with her eyes wide open.

Velvet: "I can't believe someone as perfect as this can exist!" She said with stars in her eyes.

Nora: "Oh he can bang me any day of the week!" She said, looking like she was staring at food.

At first, there was a lot of fighting in the two teams over who should get with Y/N until they finally settled it by deciding to simply share him, when RWBY and PVNC found out that they both liked Y/N the fighting started all over again...

Y/N would frequently get approached by girls all over Beacon who would ask him out on dates and sometimes even straight up to be their boyfriend, however he would always decline, he would respond that his heart is already taken

Little did he know that Team RWBY and PVNC overheard that...

After the two teams heard that they quickly hurried back and gathered in RWBY's dorm, they all started talking over each other until Yang called out.

Yang: "Guys!" She called out making everyone grow silent and look at her.

Yang: "How about we leave this petty fighting behind us and work together to find out who this mystery girl is, once we know we can see if she feels the same way and if not we try together to get Y/N's love!!" She said looking confident.

Velvet: "I agree with Yang!"

Coco: "Count me in."

Ruby: "Aye!"

Blake: "Sure!"

Pyrrha: "Sounds good!"

Nora: "YAAAAAA!!!"

Weiss: "Not a stupid plan for once..."

So for the next few weeks Team RWBY & PVNC would spend their time trying to find the mystery girl by listening in to the gossip around the school to see if anyone was talking about it and by...spying on Y/N, but it didn't yield any results but awkward moments instead.


Y/N was just sitting out in Beacon's courtyard reading a book when suddenly Weiss fell into his lap from a tree, luckily Y/N caught her.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now