Teachers Of Magic - (Witch Salem X Simple Mage Male Reader)

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Salem Fanart By: AngelOfMuses On DeviantArt

Requested By: DarkSoulsDepression

Published On: November 13, 2020


The bell rang and I watched as a bunch of students walked into the class, some smiling and hyped for a new day, others still sleepy and only half aware of their surroundings. My husband Y/N rolled out from behind his desk to the front of the class, he was very excited, this was the first magic class that he would be heading on his own instead of serving as an assistant to me.

Y/N: "Good morning class, I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend!"

The class greeted him back, the combined voices waking up the few students who were about to fall asleep.

Y/N: "Today things will be a bit different, Salem will only be checking on how I'm doing today as this will be the first time that the class is headed by me, I hope you will find the learning experience enjoyable."

As Y/N started to get into today's topic my thoughts wandered off to how I met him 3 years ago when he first started working here at Beacon, back then I thought I could never have a chance with him as he was engaged...

The workload for the current staff became too much and so the headmaster decided to hire a new teacher, when Y/N met me and the rest of the staff we quickly got along. Y/N is an amazing person, the moment he steps into a room he is able to lift the mood. He always looks out for all the students and staff members, he never let the fact that he was in a wheelchair stop him from doing anything. He was planning to learn how to do magic so he could teach a magic class just like me, once he started learning he progressed pretty quickly.

All of that changed when he suddenly changed into a more quiet and reserved person, neither we the staff nor the students got to see him outside of teaching hours anymore. He didn't smile anymore, he looked miserable. He stopped trying to learn magic, when I asked him why he told me that someone like him could never become a magic teacher. This went on for several more months until one day when I was grading some papers in my classroom in the evening I heard some banging from Y/N's class which was next to mine, I went over to investigate...

I opened the door and peeked inside, all the lights except for a desk lamp were out. I saw Y/N in his wheelchair behind his desk, he was twitching for a bit until he stops moving, after a few seconds he slumps forward out of his wheelchair and hits his head on the desk before dropping to the ground. I finally got out of my shock and turned the lights on before running over to him, with the lights on I could see that there was broken and blood-stained glass everywhere, his hands were cut open and his wrists were slit as well. I quickly called an ambulance and tried to get a response out of him, but aside from a weak pulse, I had nothing.

After a couple of minutes, the ambulance arrived and they carried him away, I looked on as they rode off with him to the nearest hospital, meanwhile, I was stuck here to explain what has happened to the police and the rest of the staff.


That night the doctors and nurses at the hospital went on to fight for five hours for his life, his heart stopped 2 times, he just barely survived. I came to visit as often as I could, at first he wouldn't talk to anyone but the hospital staff when they asked him basic questions but slowly and surely over time he started speaking with me again. The things he told me broke my heart, it turns out that his fiance left him after he caught her cheating, that bitch abused him every single day emotionally and physically and then left but not before breaking him for good, driving him to suicide. I told the police what he told me and after some rounds of questioning they send out an arrest warrant, unfortunately, the skank had run, she probably saw that Y/N was in the hospital on the news as the media was quick to jump on the fact that a school as prestige and famous as Beacon would have one of its staff members try and kill themself.

I helped him every step of the way for recovery, at first he wasn't trying to get better, he was only thinking of how he failed to kill himself and how he should have tried harder, eventually though he started to interact more with me again and slowly but surely he went back to being the lively and always smiling person that he was when he first started working at Beacon.

I helped him get his magic down and after a couple of months he had fulfilled his dream and was now a magic teacher like me, he was heading his own class but was rather my assistant but he was still happier than can be of his new achievement. After half a year of getting really close to him and teaching a class together, I decided to finally confess to him, it didn't take us for very long to be certain that we would spend the rest of our lives together and so we married.

Y/N: "So that will be all for today, I hope you all found today's class as enjoyable as I did!" He said with a smile.

The bell rings and the students start to flock out of the class but not before telling him how much they enjoyed the class, I could see his eyes light up in delight as he heard all the compliments from his students.

Once the class was empty he turned to me and looked at me expectantly, I just walked over and hugged him.

Y/N: "So...how did I do?"

Salem: "Considering it's the first magic class your ever headed on your own? pretty damm good"

Y/N: "Glad to hear, you know...why don't I cook us your favorite dish tonight to celebrate?" He asks as he rolls over to his desk and gets his coat.

Salem: "Nope, tonight we just relax and order something instead" I responded as I pushed him out of the classroom.

Y/N laughs and takes my hand before kissing it.

Y/N: "Fine with me."

And with that, we made our way home...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting DarkSoulsDepression

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