Knight Of The Music - (Fem Ren X Male Reader X Nora)

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K.I.T.T. Fanart By: Tom Hicks On ArtStation

Requested By: Gnawsome1

Published On: January 4, 2021


Cheering and laughter could be heard from a tent set up in a parking lot of a massive mall, the tent was joined by several trailers and a massive stage. The set up was for the band 'Crusaders Of The Night' who were celebrating a bit before having a concert here in a few hours, they had been on a tour to all the kingdoms and this was their first concert at their home Vale since the tour. Everyone was just cheering, chugging some drinks and having fun in the tent to celebrate their return and the success of their first tour, they really needed all the morale boost they could get after recent horrible events.

Renata: "I'm going to get Donald, can't let all the fun pass without him" She said as she walked out of the tent.

She expected Donald to probably be cooped up in his trailer again reading a book or something, he always had a knack for somehow missing all the parties. She made her way to his trailer and knocked on his door.

Renata: "Donald! The party has already started!"

She waited but didn't get an answer, she knocked again only to move the door as it wasn't even closed.

Renata: "Donald?" She asked in a confused tone as she stepped inside.

She immediately averted her eyes from the sight wishing she hadn't looked, her face grew pale instantly. There was Donald on the floor pale with his throat slit and his dead eyes wide open...

Renata and Nora looked on as Donald was loaded up into the ambulance in a body bag, the sight of his dead eyes still stuck in Renata's mind.

Nora: "The sixth, the sixth murder!" She cried out as she hugged her shoulders stepping away.

Renata: "Nora-"

Nora: "WHY US!?!? WHY!!" She cried out turning back around as she started crying.

Renata: "I don't know why...I wish I knew" She answered as she hugged her friend.

Six murders, all of them band and crew members, no leads on who it could be or why someone would do something like this. The investigations keep getting started, closed, and then restarted, it all seems so hopeless.

Renata: "There is only one man who can help us..."

Y/N: "Goddammit!" He cried out hitting the steering link.

K.I.T.T.: "Sorry Y/N that makes it 42 to 3, my favor"

Y/N: "I call it good luck" He responded looking out the window annoyed.

K.I.T.T.: "Statistical odds say otherwise"

Y/N: "Whatever..."

K.I.T.T.: "Y/N, Renata is calling" He says as the beeping tone goes off.

Y/N: "Patch her through buddy" He said as all his focus shifts from the window to the dash.

Renata: "Hey Y/N, I know we haven't talked for a while"

Y/N: "No problem you are a busy lady, I can respect that"

Renata: "Well...I-I need your help" She said sounding nervous

Y/N: "What happened?" He asked sounding concerned.

Renata: "There have been a lot of murders recently, all of them band and crew members of ours..."

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now