Not Just Another Mission - (Female Adam X Male Reader)

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Female Adam Fanart By: jipooki On DeviantArt

Requested By: HopeTheAssassin

Published On: March 3, 2021


It was a cold, cloudy day in Argus, amongst the cars roaming the streets runs an unusual sleek, silver body. People could only stare on in perplexed confusion as this unusual car prowls the streets, sticking out like a sore thumb. With absolute robot-like precision the car parks in front of Argus Central Station.

A man and a woman get out of the car, with determination they stare at the station.

Y/N: "1980s Argus huh? been a while..."

Adriana: "Not quite what I expected personally, but a mystery is a mystery I guess..."


Y/N and Adriana were in the office of Mr. Johnson, Y/N was reading an article about the mystery.

"On September 7th, 1984 a train left Argus Station, the train was headed by LNER 4472 which had been recently refurbished at the Haven loco works. Due to a defective signal, the train continued on the mainline when the track wasn't clear, at 11:15 AM the train collided with a slow freight train. The guard survived the crash and went to the nearest signal box for help, when the police arrived at the crash site the locomotive was missing and only the coaches remained. Over the following six months all 10 board members of the LNER board were killed by what witnesses described as the driver that was killed in the recent crash of 4472"

Y/N: "I have heard of ghost trains before but I have never heard of killer ghost drivers, I guess you learn something new every day"  He says after putting the newspaper down.

Adriana: "What do you suggest we do?" She asks as she swings her legs back and forth as she sat on the desk.

Y/N: "Using Mr. Johnson's documents we can find out the identity of other high-ranking officials within the LNER and try and see if our killer goes after them as well, using our scanner I can get some readings on our mystery ghost train."

Adriana: "And what then? tell the ghost to fuck off?" She asks laughing.

Y/N: "We could! or we could do something actually effective and follow the locomotive once it tries to leave the station."

Adriana: "In other words, it's gonna be a long night, I'll get the coffee ready" She said getting off the desk and leaving the office.

Y/N: "Perhaps you should" He said as he pondered with a thoughtful expression.


Y/N is sitting in the back of their car, operating the scanner console, looking for any abnormal readings from the surrounding area, after taking a sip from his coffee he activates the comm.

Y/N: "Anything at Foster's office?"

Adriana: "Not really I-Hold on, yep! our killer is here."

Adriana runs up to the door making the shadowy figure look up in surprise, once out of their surprised stupor they start booking it towards the station.

Adriana: "Motherfucker stop!" She shouts annoyed.

Adriana: "Y/N the killer is coming your way" She relays over the comm.

Y/N: "I'm getting unusual scans from the station, it seems the locomotive is arriving." He responds.

As Adriana and the killer finally reach the station platform she could see the locomotive coming to a hold right next to their car, right as the killer steps onboard the locomotive starts back up again. Adriana is about to try and jump onto the moving train when Y/N opens the passenger door and waves her over, Y/N starts driving before she even gets the chance to close the door.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now