The Perfect Girl - (Reese X Male Reader)

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Reese Fanart By: Exvnir On DeviantArt

Requested By: Gnawsome1

Published On: May 7, 2021


I was absolutely lovestruck ever since she arrived at Beacon, unfortunately, she was a year below me and as a result, we didn't have the same schedule. Every time I saw her I couldn't help myself but get the feeling of butterflies in my stomach, I hope my blushing and such isn't obvious to anyone else.

I've been hanging out with her and her team multiple times now, they are really friendly and have easily become my best friends. I have on some occasions considered telling her teammates to maybe ask them for advice, sadly I've been too scared to do so as of yet.

Who is this girl that has me completely wrapped around her finger without even knowing?

Of course, it's none other than Ruby Rose!


Oh shit! gotta stop thinking about her and get to the cafeteria!

If Ruby didn't message me I would have forgotten that we planned to meet up at the cafeteria in a few minutes and then go hang out in Vale.

I rush through the halls even though I still have minutes left before the meet-up time, as I rush around a corner I almost run right into someone. Regaining my balance as I almost fall over I see that it's Reese, she looks at me with a big smile.

Reese: "Hey Y/N" She greets me with a big smile as she hugs me.

I hug back surprised.

Reese has been a friend of mine for a while now and she is really nice, always happy to hang out with me. Though she is nice Resse often weirds me out, when we first met she acted as if she knew me already and even expected me, and often times I would run into her as if she memorized my schedule.

Reese: "How has been your day?"

Y/N: "Pretty good so far, gonna hang out with Team RWBY in Vale." I replied making her look sad for a second.

Reese: "Can I come?"

Y/N: "Sorry Reese but Team RWBY didn't like it the last time I brought Katt with me unannounced, she kinda unintentionally pissed them all off, so now I can't bring people with me to our hangouts unless I ask first way in advance."

Reese: "Oh..."

Y/N: "Maybe another time?"

Reese: "Sure" She said rubbing her elbow.

With that, I carry on to the cafeteria, rushing once again to make sure I won't be late. Some of the students call out to me as they see me run past, among a lot of students its become kind of an inside joke how I always rush everywhere to make sure I couldn't possibly be late, they were nice about it though and I didn't mind it, always waving back to them.

As soon as I step foot into the cafeteria Ruby calls out to me as she waves her arms, smiling I walk over to them and sit down beside Ruby. Everyone greets me with a smile, Ruby gives me a side hug which makes me blush.

Ruby: "So ready for our super awesome day?" She asks excitedly.

Y/N: "I sure am" I reply smiling.

We chatted for a bit as they ate, they were all their usual selves. Yang asked me if I wanted to spar sometime for the millionth time, Blake and I chat about the latest episode of Supernatural, Weiss talks about how she improved since the last time she sparred, which results in us making up another sparring session for tomorrow while Yang pouts, and Ruby and I chat about the latest Half-Life mods.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now