Endearingly Awkward - (Elm X Male Reader X Fem Vine)

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Vine Fanart By: ZeroRespect-BOT On DeviantArt

Requested By: Gnawsome1

Published On: December 11, 2021


The sun burns bright as two women just relax on their back, hoping to get a tan. Vinessa and Elm haven't had many chances to go to any beaches, so they're making the most of it. They lean up on their elbows when they hear some kids laughing, it turns out to be their husband Y/N, transforming his arm into a cannon in front of the kids, putting stars in their eyes.

Vinessa: "It would be great to have kids with him..."

Elm: "V-VINESSA!! You can't just suddenly spring something like that on me!" She says flustered.

Vinessa: "What? it's true, he's great with kids!" She says looking away flustered and shy.

Elm: "W-Well yeah but Y/N couldn't even give us any kids if he wanted to."

Vinessa: "Sadly...it's weird they were able to make him capable of sexual intercourse yet can't give him some sort of sperm system instead of the infertile semen he has."

Elm: "Yeah, but I can't complain...he's damm good in bed." She says making both of their blushes worst.

Vinessa: "Well we could always just go to a sperm bank or whatever, Y/N would love the kids just as much even if they aren't his."

Elm: "That's true."

They both fall silent as they continued to watch their husband play with the kids, his smile and laughter making their hearts soar.

They couldn't help but reminisce about how they met back at Atlas Academy and what he was like back then, when he still wasn't aware of a lot of human concepts...making him quite awkward...


One day they noticed that there suddenly was a new guy running around the academy, despite not being a student. Curious they decided to follow him around, unsure if he was allowed to be here or not.

Vinessa: "I don't know Elm, is this really the best way to approach this situation?"

Elm: "Of course, what if he is trespassing and no one has noticed yet cus he's so quiet."

Vinessa. "sigh Then he wouldn't let himself be seen by all the cameras, etc, in the school, as he would be fucked if someone did actually catch him..." She deadpanned.

Elm tried to come up with an explanation for that while watching Y/N around the corner still, not noticing that Vinessa has left her and was with Y/N now.

Elm: "Huh-wai-VINESSA!!!" She whisper-shouted over to her once she saw her standing behind Y/N.

Vinessa: "Uh..excuse me Sir, what are you doing here?" She asks after tapping him on the shoulder.

Both women started blushing when he turned around and they could finally see him up close, his E/C eyes almost glowing as they looked at Vinessa.

???: "Hey ma'am, I'm just getting these documents into the right order before transporting them to Miss. Schnee." He says in an upbeat tone.

Vinessa: "M-Miss. Schnee!?" She asks, shocked to hear that Winter Schnee would have someone like him work for her.

???: "Yeah, she has asked me to help her out today."

Done with his task he was about to walk off if Vinessa didn't grab his arm, needing to see him again.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now