Non-Verbal Love - (Cheater RWBY X Mute Male Reader X Overprotective Neo)

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Neo Fanart By: HOSEN-HOSEN-HOCEN On DeviantArt

Requested By: Legogamer45

Published On: July 27, 2021


Winter has arrived, this time harsher than ever before. Houses and cars were snowed in. Some people were excited about the weather, others were dismayed, knowing already that their commute to and from work was gonna be made harder.

One young man was excitedly walking to his friend's place, he had a surprise for his girlfriends who were playing video games there. He had gotten brand new tickets for a vacation resort thanks to the help of his parents.

This young man is Y/N L/N who lives a very unusual life, having four girlfriends would be uncommon enough but Y/N is also the heir to the 'L/N Electronic Corporation', the biggest company on the planet. His parents though still young want to retire and they agreed with Y/N to give the company to him in a couple of years, though Y/N didn't feel pressured or afraid but rather excited to take the job when the time came.

He met his four girlfriends when he bumped into them in a bookstore and asked them about their equipment. It turned out that they are trying to enter the world of music and make a living that way, they called their band Team RWBY. After a lengthy conversation they asked him out on a date and things continued on from there, leading things to nowadays where they have been together for 3 years.

Y/N knocked on the door of his friend's place, after waiting for a minute the door finally gets opened by his friend's sister.

Y/N: "Hey Sally, are the girls still here?" He types on his scroll

Sally: "Yeah they're still upstairs with Daniel playing video games, Richard, Justin, and Victor also came thirty minutes ago." She explains as she lets him inside.

Y/N: "Alright, thanks" He types as he walks upstairs.

He opened the door only to be met with the sight of his girlfriends and his friends having sex, going right at it with reckless abandon. They didn't even notice him until he dropped the tickets out of shock, when the girls looked over at their boyfriend they grew annoyed.

Ruby: "Ah fuck...really!? we thought you'll be gone for longer than that!"

Y/N: "Don't worry, I'll leave, you'll never see me again" He types out and shows it to them.

Ruby: "Heh, yeah right" She says dismissively.

Utterly heartbroken Y/N quickly picks up the tickets before running out of there, passing by a very confused Sally. Seeing Y/N leave crying she quickly goes upstairs, when she sees what Daniel and his friends are doing she explodes in rage.

Sally: "REALLY!?! YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING DO THAT TO Y/N!?!?" She cries out as she starts throwing stuff at them.

Y/N meanwhile was running without an end in sight, just running out into the surrounding woods. It didn't matter to him that it was snowing like crazy and that the wind was just blowing it all in his face, he just wanted to be as far away from there as possible.

Finally, he stops as he was walking up a hill, collapsing to his knees as his heart couldn't take any more strain. Exhausted he just sits there in the snow, trying to comprehend that this was real and not just some cruel nightmare.

He quickly turned around when he heard something growling, only now realizing what his actions have done...they have made him completely vulnerable...

Out it came from behind the trees...a Beowolf, its red eyes looking at him hungrily, ready to tear him apart. It slowly stalked closer to him, it got ready to pounce on him with another roar.

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