The End - (Team RWBY X Male Reader)

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The day has come, the final oneshot of this book and the milestone of 200 oneshots have come our way!!! And like I said previously, I will be taking a break after this oneshot for a while, but there will be more content from the world of Remnant in the future.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Oneshots will continue on the 'Oneshots Volume 2' book, so make sure you guys are prepared to check out that book for new oneshots instead when I'm back from my break.

PS: Reminder that I have a Discord server for my readers -

(Link can also be clicked on my profile.)

- Michael

Ruby Art By: Rooster Teeth From Red Trailer

Requested By: Ashsatoketchum118

Sequel To: One Last Time - (Team RWBY X Soldier Male Reader)

Published On: May 1, 2022


Her body was in excruciating pain, yet her mind and soul had been at peace for the first in a long time...

One second she was seeing the ceiling of her room, the next a figure was staring at her, his amber eyes looking at her expectingly, she froze in fear and confusion. She looked around only to be met with the sight of nothing and everything staring right back at her, not understanding she looks at the figure again.

The figure stepped forward, the lighting of this weird place finally revealing his appearance, it was a man her age, wearing black boots, pants, a tank top, and gloves, with a red leather jacket on top, he held his hand out for her.

Hesitantly she grabbed it, letting him pull her off the ground, her body feeling suddenly lighter as all her pain was gone. She couldn't help but stare into his amber eyes, a myriad of mystery reflected in them, the somber feeling only reinforced by the countless scars across his face.

???: "Ruby Rose, it's time." He spoke with an accent.

Ruby: "T-Time for what?" She asked freaked out.

???: "For you to get reunited with them." He said vaguely.

He turned around and start walking away, looking back at her, motioning her to come along.

Seeing no other option Ruby complies and follows him, the environment around them warping with every step they took.

Imagery of all kinds flashes beside them as they walk, creating a hallway of scenarios, some of them familiar, others feeling completely foreign to the redhead.

She looked at the man again, but he was just staring straight ahead, hands behind his back as he walked with an obvious limp.

???: "No need to be afraid, I'm not here to bring you harm." He says calmly.

Ruby was about to respond when she jerked away from the right side of the hall, the imagery of an especially nasty-looking Grimm had let out a roar before fighting what looked to be a weird version of her.

With a hand over her chest, she tries to fight her fear, walking on and ignoring that sight as much as possible, looking away to the other scenarios playing out in front of them.

One of them showed her team playing together as a band, the next showed a woman she didn't know fighting off some weird hybrid creature in a ruined town, another showed a green-haired woman crying over the body of an injured man, and so it went on endlessly, countless more scenarios everywhere.

Ruby both wanted to ask questions but was also too afraid to do so, leaving their walk quiet and mostly uneventful, the man never once looking at her.

???: "Tell me Ms. Rose, what was the best thing in your life?"

Ruby: "Love." She instantly answered, with no hesitation.

The man glanced at her and gave her a smile, yet when he looked away again Ruby could tell that his smile grew somber.

???: "Cherish it with your entire being then." He replied.

Finally, they reached the end of the hall, a swirling blue vortex was in front of them, the center of which was filled with white light.

???: "This is it, this will lead you to be reunited with them."

She steps closer to the vortex, inspecting it with equal wonder and cosmic horror, but careful not to get too closer to it.

Ruby: "W-Who are you?" She finally asked, the question on her mind this entire time.

The man gives her a tired smile, giving her a pat on the back.

And with that he pushed her into the vortex, leaving her no time to ask anything else as her vision warped around her.

With a blinding light, everything went dark and silent...

Suddenly she leans up quickly, her heart racing, confused she looks around only to fields?

She turns around when she hears laughter, her heart growing in both joy and pain, her team at the bottom of the fields, joined by their husband...

Ruby: "Y/N..." She choked out.

As quickly as she can she gets up and runs towards them, her heart going crazy in her chest.

The others quickly take notice and look up, their expressions changing to ones of even greater joy as they also start running towards her. Soon they meet in the middle, all of them wrapping their arms around Ruby in a giant group hug, Y/N being the first and giving her plenty of kisses all over her face.

She had so many questions in her head, but as she looked at Y/N and feels the happy tears run down her face she knew it didn't matter, she was with her family and that was all she needed.

She'll rather live in blissful ignorance if it meant her heart was filled with love...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Ashsatoketchum118

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