Hotfix My Heart - (Glynda X Male Reader)

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Glynda Fanart By: kimmy77 On DeviantArt

Requested By: Latinoheat619619

Published On: January 18, 2021



I was confused... everyone around me suddenly was very busy all of a sudden and would constantly rush around, not even Sonia comes visiting me anymore, we always used to have so much fun when she came into the lab, and we would either hang out, or she would do maintenance on me. I felt very lonely in the lab, I thought maybe my creator, Dr. Polendina would come, but even he was too busy. They always told me that I couldn't leave the lab unless otherwise stated, I was only in other rooms very rarely, and never once have I been outside before.

Y/N: "I...I can't..." I say as I activate the lights of the lab.

I get off the workbench and out of the position I have been in since everyone last left, I made my way to the door. I know that I shouldn't leave this room, but I can't anymore, I keep experiencing this thing that Sonia once explained were emotions, I have never felt this one before and it was slowly making everything unbearable.

At first, I hesitated but then I overrode the door code and left the lab, I go into the database of the facility and see that Dr. Polendina and the others are having a meeting in another wing of the facility.

Y/N: "Where is everyone?" I ask myself out loud as I walked through the silent, empty halls.

It was like everyone left, none of the usual guards you would expect either. The lights in the halls were all off in this wing so I turned them back on as I made my way through them, when I finally got to the other wing everything was on and there were guards.

Guard: "You! stop right there!" She cried out once she saw me coming toward him.

Y/N: "Yes Ma'em?"

Guard: "What are you doing here?"

Y/N: "I'm heading to the meeting currently held in this wing, room 4b."

Guard: "Do you have an ID?"

Y/N: "A digital one!" I said as I send it to her scroll.

Guard: "I see, well sorry to bother you then." She replied as she let me through.

Y/N: "No worries, you're just doing your job." I said as I waved to her as I walked on.

The door to the meeting room was massive and red, when it opened it split into five pieces, slowly revealing the insides. Nobody noticed me when I stepped inside as they were all in the corner of the room looking at something else, they seemed really excited and impressed.

I stopped when I finally saw what they were fawning over, it was a girl, an android girl...

A quick scan quickly revealed that she had a lot of new systems that I didn't and more modern variants of the ones I did...

All my processors started to overheat as I started to shake, I quickly ran outside the room as I couldn't bear seeing that, or being in this place any longer...



With a loud clank, I fell onto the stone walkway. I tried my best to get up the icy hill but with my limited mobility it didn't work, instead of trying again I just decide to crawl up. When I finally reach the top I can see a small town, with great difficulty I limp my way to it. After all the roaming and the harsh conditions of the wild, especially in the winter, and some encounters with what I learned are called Grimm I have taken major damage. my left leg is completely damaged and so I can only drag it behind me as I limp, which of course only damages it even further. My servos were freezing up as well making movements harder and harder...

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now