Safe Space - (Team RWBY X Big Brother Male Reader)

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Team RWBY Fanart By: Matayoshi On Reddit

Requested By: localpotato420

Published On: November 16, 2020


Jessica: "What the fuck is wrong with you?" She cried out in anger as she looks at the broken cup.

Y/N: "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen!"

Jessica: "Oh so you are blaming it on me now!?!" She snaps back looking infuriated now.

Y/N: "N-No it was an accident!"

Jessica: "LIAR!!!" She shouts as she picks up pieces of the broken cup and throws them at me.

I run out of the room as she manages to hit me a couple of times, I run upstairs into the bedroom and lock the door. I try to catch my breath when Jessica starts beating on the door, I start looking around frantically to find a way out of this situation.


I look around the room until...the window! I scramble over to the window, I take a deep breath and jump out of it. The fall took longer than I expected and when I landed I was in a completely different location, I was in a forest in the middle of the night. I start making my way through it, I felt like something was watching me.

I hear a noise from behind me but when I looked I couldn't see anything, suddenly there was a light behind me and when I checked there was a Chevy speeding straight towards me.

I try to run but I trip over some rocks, when I look back I can only watch in horror as the Chevy continues speeding towards me.

Y/N: "AHHHHHHHHH!!" I scream out as I shake in my bed.

I had woken up just as the car struck me, I can still feel where the car struck me. I try to calm down but nothing is helping, my breathing is getting out of control and I start shaking more and more. Due to my shaking, I fall out of the bed, I scream out in pain due to my wounds.

I could hear running coming closer until suddenly the dorm room busts open and my sisters come in, once they spot me on the ground they run to me.

Ruby: "It's okay Y/N, it's me, Ruby, everything is fine and you are safe." She says as she puts her hands on my cheeks.

Slowly my breathing gets under control as my sisters hugged me, I hold onto Ruby tightly as I cry into her shoulder.

Yang: "Don't worry bro, everything is fine and soon you'll be fully healed."

Weiss: "How about we just order some food and watch some Back To The Future?" She says while rubbing my shoulder.

Y/N: "S-Sure"

Blake and Ruby help me back into the bed before checking on my bandages, Weiss meanwhile orders the food as Yang gets out the Back To The Future UHD disc and puts it in the player.

Y/N: "Y-You are way too good to me, I don't deserve this" I say as I wipe my tears.

Blake: "That's not true, you deserve all the good treatment in the world, don't think about what she said" She responds as she and Ruby cuddle up to me.

Ruby: "Yea, besides we are your sisters and girlfriends, of course, we'll treat you in the best way possible."

Weiss: "The food will be here in a few minutes, I'll get some extra blankets" She says as leans over and kisses me.

Yang: "How about we make it an entire marathon?"

Everyone: "Yeah!" We all shout out with a smile.

As Weiss comes over with the extra blankets we hear a knock on the door, Yang gets the food from the delivery girl. Weiss and Yang carefully place me on their lap as we all tuck in under the blankets, Ruby gives everyone their food as the movie starts.

My sisters and I have always been really close, closer than most siblings. I had feelings for them since forever but I didn't think they'll return them so I started dating a girl called Jessica, unfortunately, she turned out to be an abusive monster. During one of her many outbursts she started throwing pieces of a broken cup at me, I escaped through the bedroom window, when I dropped down I broke my left leg. I thought I was safe but after limping along the road for a couple of minutes I heard a familiar roar...Jessica had come after me with her Chevy Chevelle, there was nowhere to hide and I couldn't outrun her either. I'll never forget that demented smile on her face moments before she ran me over, luckily she didn't come for a second strike. All I remember is hearing the car going off in the distance as some blurry figure entered my vision.

It turned out that one of the farmers in the area had seen what has happened and called the police, it didn't take them long to arrest Jessica as she didn't even run but rather carried on with life as if nothing ever happened. They found the Chevy with its bloody, damaged front end ditched in an alleyway, it even had ripped pieces of my clothes stuck to it. The car, the witness, my wounds, they all contributed to a case that didn't leave any room for debate. Jessica got a life sentence, they charged her for all the previous abuse as well once they saw my other wounds in the hospital and the truth came out.

My sisters who are working towards becoming huntresses at Beacon immediately came over once they heard the news, they visited me every day in the hospital and would stay for hours. After my sisters did a lot of convincing they were able to let me move in with them in their dorm at Beacon, they only had four beds so I would share with one of the four girls every night. They made sure I never had to move out of my bed and provided me with everything I could possibly need, It was such a sudden but nice change to go from an abusive environment to being loved and cared for. Since the incident I had many nightmares of Jessica and her running me over, I also often got anxiety attacks. It turned out that I now had PTSD, even the smallest things could trigger it as long as they reminded me of Jessica, like seeing a Chevy Chevelle on TV for example. Even though I felt like a massive burden to them they never stopped helping and caring for me, though they would often be woken in the middle of the night by my screams caused by nightmares they never grew tired of me. They confessed to me one day after an especially bad anxiety attack, I was overjoyed that the girls I loved felt the same.

As the credits to Back To The Future Part III rolled I looked around to see that all the girls had fallen asleep, I give all of them a kiss on the cheek and then lie down in the embrace of Yang and Weiss.

Whenever I'm at my worst these girls come and pick me up, I couldn't imagine life without them...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting localpotato420

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now